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  1. #1

    Paparazzi! 0.6.5 Finalmente l'aggiornamento


    Paparazzi! è l’applicazione gratuita per Mac che permette di salvare intere pagine web (anche lunghissime) in un unico PDF (senza interruzioni di pagina).
    Il PDF ottenuto... Prosegui la lettura...

    Clicca l'immagine per ingrandirla. 

Nome: paparazzi.png 
Visualizzazioni: 239 
Dimensione: 18.5 KB 
ID: 3572
    Ultima modifica di avrobay; 27-10-12 alle 15:28

  2. #2
    Amministratore Gianni Cresci L'avatar di avrobay
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2005
    Blog Entries

    Versione 0.6.6:Fixes

    • Fixed the random launching issue on 10.6/10.7. If upgrading from an earlier 0.6.x, you may need to reset your launch services database, either with the Terminal command
      /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Versions/A/Support/lsregister -kill -r -domain local -domain system -domain user
      or via a utility.
    • The "JPEG Quality" slider in the batch preferences should actually work correctly now.
    • Corrected the tooltip for the "Share" button.
    • The max history setting should work now.
    • The built-in Sparkle framework is now properly code signed.


    • No longer imports Contacts’ URLs by default.
    • Preliminary help documentation (still unfinished).
    • Updated to Growl Framework 2.0.1.

    New Features

    • Added a "Take URL From" script for Chrome (since it supports AppleScript now).
    • The Interact sheet now has "Close and Capture" and "Close" buttons.
    • HiDPI captures are now indicated as such in the status area (next to the pixel dimensions).
    • Added an option in the Advanced Preferences to simulate Non-HiDPI captures on Retina Macs. This will still import resources included via media queries, etc., as I haven’t found a way to spoof pixel-ratio yet.
    • Added an option in the Advanced Preferences pane to accept invalid HTTPS certificates.
    Chi copia è un cialtrone. Digli di smettere! - Gianni Cresci

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