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  1. #1

    Audacity (Aggiornamenti)


    Audacity, il meraviglioso freeware per l’elaborazione audio su Mac, si aggiorna alla versione 2.0.1 Audacity è segnalato nella lista delle migliori APP gratuite per il...

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    Ultima modifica di avrobay; 07-09-13 alle 23:32

  2. #2
    Amministratore Gianni Cresci L'avatar di avrobay
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2005
    Blog Entries
    Version 2.0.3:

    Bug fixes:

    • General:
      • Crash using Undo whilst time-shifting a track.
      • Crash using Repair if the selection extended into an empty track.
      • Export Multiple didn't prevent export if there was no audio or all audio was muted. This allowed export of small invalid files.

    • Time Track:
      • Loop Play of a speeded-up track inserted silence.
      • Playback and rendering was significantly inaccurate, creating audible and visual glitches.

    • Accessibility:
      • The mnemonics character "&" was read out by screen readers in most of the Preferences choices.
      • NVDA did not read static text in most dialogs. Text can now be read by using INSERT + B.
      • JAWS and Window-eyes misread the "Duration" control in Silence Generator.
      • Toolbar buttons could not be pressed by ENTER
      • Other interface bug fixes.

    Changes and Improvements:
    • Resampling:
      • The SoX Resampler library (libsoxr) has replaced libresample in Audacity releases, offering both higher quality and greater speed.

    • Time Tracks new features:
      • "Set Range" now changes only the range of the Time Track, preserving the pitch/speed set by any existing warp points.
      • Vertical scale added with options for linear and logarithmic display and interpolation.
      • Upper and lower speed limits will now be remembered when saving and reopening a project in 2.0.3. Warp points in projects saved by previous Audacity versions will be correctly restored in 2.0.3.
      • Warp points saved in a 2.0.3 project will be preserved if opened in previous versions but playback and display will be incorrect.

    • New effects:
      • Studio Fade Out (uses a filtered "S" curve).
      • Adjustable Fade (accessible effect for creating partial fades and adjustable fade shapes).
      • Bass and Treble (replaces Bass Boost).

    • General:
      • Real sample rates up to 384000 Hz are now supported for playback and recording in high resolution devices (the maximum is up to 192000 Hz for Windows DirectSound host).
      • Labeled Regions in Edit Menu is renamed to "Labeled Audio" and now allows splits to be placed at point labels. Labeled audio regions that touch without overlapping are treated as separate regions. Overlapping labeled audio regions are treated as a single region.
      • New Croatian translation of Audacity.

    • Compilation:
      • CMake is required in order to build libsoxr.
    Ultima modifica di avrobay; 23-01-13 alle 16:01
    Chi copia è un cialtrone. Digli di smettere! - Gianni Cresci

  3. #3
    Amministratore Gianni Cresci L'avatar di avrobay
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2005
    Blog Entries
    Audacity 2.0.4

    Novità introdotte con l'aggiornamento Audacity 2.0.4
    Bug fixes

    • Keyboard Preferences: Shortcuts for Generators, Effects and Analyzers were not exported. All imported shortcut changes were discarded.
    • Equalization curves were corrupted in Graphic EQ mode after switching to/from Draw Curves or after running the effect then reopening it.
    • Change Pitch displayed corrupted values when reducing pitch or editing "from" Frequency. Detection was very inaccurate at high sample rates.
    • Bass Boost no longer clips if the track contains 32-bit audio.
    • Auto Duck was excessively slow on older machines.
    • (Windows) Exported MP3 comments tags were not seen by Windows programs.
    • (Windows and OS X) Audacity crashed if you used system quit before file import was complete.
    • (Linux) Equalization crashed Audacity if the XML file was corrupted.
    • (Linux) When configuring effect parameters in "Edit Chains", "Preview" (not intended to be functional) caused a crash.
    • (Linux) LICENSE.txt and README.txt were wrongly installed in /usr/local/share/doc instead of /usr/local/share/doc/audacity/ .
    • Accessibility: ENTER did not toggle selectedness of a label track unless a label was selected.
    • Numerous other interface fixes.

    Changes and Improvements

    • New "Reverb" effect to replace GVerb, based on the original "Freeverb".
    • New View > Go to Selection Start and Go to Selection End commands.
    • New Tracks > Align End to End command to append existing tracks to each other.
    • Change Tempo now supports fractional BPM.
    • Plot Spectrum now supports FFT sizes up to 65536.
    • WAV files now support "Album Title", "Track Number" and "Genre" LIST INFO tags and also support ID3 tags.
    • Handle a bug in older iPods or some OS X applications that cause them to refuse AIFF files whose metadata contains an uneven number of characters,
    • (Windows) Added support for "Windows WDM-KS" host which can provide very low latencies if you reduce "Audio to Buffer" in Recording Preferences.
    • (Windows Vista and later) You can now record computer playback by choosing the new "Windows WASAPI" host in Device Toolbar then a "loopback" input.
    • (Windows and Mac OS X): VST scanning dialog now replaced with a dialog for choosing which VST effects to load.
    • (Linux) CTRL + ALT can now be used to smooth samples in Draw Tool.
    • Modules Preferences replaced with a dialog on launch of Audacity enabling you to
    Chi copia è un cialtrone. Digli di smettere! - Gianni Cresci

  4. #4
    Amministratore Gianni Cresci L'avatar di avrobay
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2005
    Blog Entries
    Chi copia è un cialtrone. Digli di smettere! - Gianni Cresci

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