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  1. #41
    Portento di Mac Peer L'avatar di Klaus
    Data Registrazione
    Sep 2007


    Dropbox v. 2.2.8 - 21.6.2013

    • Fix an issue that could cause duplicate folders to be created when non-ascii characters are in the folder name
    • Fix an issue that caused endless syncing when encountering permissions issues
    • New notifications badge
    • Refactoring of core sync engine
    • Improved memory usage
    • Startup performance improvements
    • Finder icon overlay improvements
    Ultima modifica di Klaus; 27-06-13 alle 19:54

  2. #42
    Portento di Mac Peer L'avatar di Klaus
    Data Registrazione
    Sep 2007
    Dropbox v.2.2.10 - 24/07/2013

    • Reduced initial startup time.
    • Reduced initial link time.
    • Reduced time taken when relinking a previously linked account.
    • Fix an issue which could cause certain files to sync endlessly.
    • Fix an issue which could cause proxy connection settings to be lost


  3. #43
    Portento di Mac Peer L'avatar di Klaus
    Data Registrazione
    Sep 2007
    2.4.0 27/09/2013

    • Screenshot to Dropbox
    • Move to Dropbox
    • Import from iPhoto
    • Mavericks Support!
    • Much faster upload/download speeds for large files

  4. #44
    Portento di Mac Peer L'avatar di Klaus
    Data Registrazione
    Sep 2007
    Dropbox v.2.4.10 - 18/12/2013

    • Fix incorrect throttling in highly variable internet connections.
    • Fix rare memory leak in Finder integration.
    • Fix rare bug where database errors would cause a re-sync.
    • Other minor fixes.
    Ultima modifica di Klaus; 19-12-13 alle 20:48

  5. #45
    Portento di Mac Peer L'avatar di Klaus
    Data Registrazione
    Sep 2007
    Dropbox passa alla nuova versione 2.6
    Stable Build v.2.6.2 - 3.1.2014

    • Prevent users from getting unlinked when they downgrade to 2.6 from future builds
    • Fix Growl for 10.6
    • Redesigned Setup Wizard.
    • Pause Syncing is now available from the tray popup.
    • New Installers for Windows and OS X
    • ​Selective Sync UI significantly more responsive

  6. #46
    Lo scorso fine settimana Dropbox non funzionava. Da quello che ho letto alcuni gruppi di di hacker se ne attribuiscono la paternitą dell'attacco, ma Dropbox ha negato e ha detto che e' dipeso da un problema di manutenzione programmata.

  7. #47
    Portento di Mac Peer L'avatar di Klaus
    Data Registrazione
    Sep 2007
    Dropbox v. 2.8.2

    Clicca l'immagine per ingrandirla. 

Nome: Schermata 2014-05-20 alle 21.20.05.jpg 
Visualizzazioni: 1230 
Dimensione: 13.7 KB 
ID: 4341

    • Fix for Preferences not opening on OS X 10.4
    • Fix for notification message that kept coming back.
    • Updated Translations
    • Prompt to selective sync in the setupwizard for large Dropboxes.
    • Auto sign-in installers for Windows and Mac OS X.
    • Notification when your hard disk is full.
    • New icons in the tray popup.

    If your Dropbox is more than 10 GB or syncing your Dropbox would fill up most of your remaining hard disk space, we will prompt you to use selective sync to skip syncing some of your folders. Note that this prompt is skipped if you have previously linked this account, as we assume you'll have your selective sync settings from before
    Ultima modifica di Klaus; 20-05-14 alle 21:50
    [SIZE=2][COLOR=#a9a9a9][I][SIZE=1]langsam fahren[/SIZE][/I][/COLOR][/SIZE]

  8. #48
    ho un problema con dropbox installato su iMac 2015, spero che mi possiate aiutare.
    Ho una cartella condivisa con un altro computer windows e mi capita che quando modifico un file di word questo mi crea una copia (non da conflitto): semplicemente il mio file ha lo stesso nome e in aggiunta ha la scritta copia!!!
    Sapete aiutarmi?

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