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  1. #11
    Data Registrazione
    Nov 2007
    Quadrante α


    NetNewsWire 3.2.2

    WHAT'S NEW Version 3.2.2:


    -Cmd-W closes the current tab, if a tab is displayed, instead of closing the window.
    -Fixed a bug where where the highlighting in vertical tabs table could be off sometimes.
    -Fixed the fuzzy close buttons for vertical tabs when running on Snow Leopard.
    -Restored Post Tabs to Weblog and Export Tabs commands (see bottom of Tab menu, same place as in 3.1).

    Crashing bugs

    -Hopefully worked around a PubSub crash.
    -Fixed -- probably -- a crashing bug getting the unread count of the flagged items feed.


    -French localization added. (Thanks to Corentin and his crew of crack translators!)
    -Got the Check for Updates system running again. (But you may have to download this version manually, since the URLs changed.)
    -Normalizing serial numbers -- removing leading and trailing white space, upper-casing the string -- so that people have an easier time getting their serial number entered.
    -Added links to new Google Groups for NetNewsWire Mac and iPhone to the Help menu.
    -Now building on Snow Leopard -- but still targeting OS X 10.5.
    -Now using Clang LLVM 1.0 compiler.
    -Got rid of all build-time deprecation warnings.
    -Added some feeds to the defaults-for-new-users list: Rhonabwy (Joe Heck), RogueSheep, and Better Elevation (Dave Wiskus).

    Mac OS X 10.5 or later.


  2. #12
    Version 3.2.3:
    Fixes a bug validating some serial numbers in certain conditions.

  3. #13
    NetNewsWire - 3.2.4

    What's new:
    This is just a quick-fix build for people who use Google Reader syncing who've recently found that NetNewsWire may stop downloading feeds after a while.
    (Well, it also includes a minor performance enhancement: it uses gzip compression when talking to Google Reader, so feeds download faster.)
    There is a much bigger update in the works, with more performance enhancements and bug fixes. This is not that update -- this is just a quick fix to get people back up-and-running.

    Mac OS X 10.4 or later.

  4. #14
    NetNewsWire - 3.2.5

    What's new:
    Fixes a crashing bug with authenticated proxies.
    Note: more updates to come. Probably smaller rather than one big update, just to get fixes available as soon as they're ready, rather than waiting.

    Mac OS X 10.4 or later.

  5. #15
    NetNewsWire - 3.2.6

    What's new:
    This release works with the new Google Reader login APIs.
    Added Delibar as another client.
    Fixed a bug deleting a folder when syncing is on.
    Added updated French localization.
    Changed Webnote Happy to just Webnote. (Because the app name changed.)
    ctrl-cmd-D now works for dictionary lookups in web pages.
    Fixed a memory use bug when exporting all news items as HTML archive files from the preferences window.
    The application is now code-signed. With releases after this one, you shouldn't be asked to authorize keychain access.
    Fixed a bug where some toolbar icons would appear purple, when inactive, with people who have custom ColorSync calibrations.

    Mac OS X 10.4 or later.

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