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Discussione: TinkerTool

  1. #1
    Quintessenza di Mac Peer
    Data Registrazione
    Apr 2005



    È uscita la nuova versione di TinkerTool, un freeware che permette di modificare alcune preferenze del System, che normalmente rimangono nascoste.
    L'autore è Bresink: un nome, una garanzia (per chi non lo conoscesse, è l'autore di Temperature Monitor).


    Clicca l'immagine per ingrandirla. 

Nome: TinkerTool3.png 
Visualizzazioni: 173 
Dimensione: 10.5 KB 
ID: 3689
    Ultima modifica di avrobay; 04-11-12 alle 19:03
    G5 SP 1.8 rev. A - HD 2 x 160 Gb
    RAM 1,5 Gb - Tiger 10.4.8 Build 8 L 127

    [color=blue][b]Quando scoppia una guerra la verità è la prima vittima[/b][/color]

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Portento di Mac Peer
    Data Registrazione
    Mar 2005
    bel programmino

  4. #4
    Leggenda di Mac Peer L'avatar di Mac 4 Life
    Data Registrazione
    Oct 2005
    Grandioso: l'ho scoperto solo ora. Notevolmente velocizzato il mio iMac G4.

    [size=4]«[color=blue][b]Gli uomini credono volentieri ciò che desiderano sia vero[/color][/b]»[/size]
    (Giulio Cesare, [i][b]De Bello Gallico[/i][/b])

  5. #5
    Un ennesimo grazie al nostro scopritore di utility. :idea:

  6. #6
    Quintessenza di Mac Peer L'avatar di gnombyX
    Data Registrazione
    Mar 2005
    grazie della segnalazione!
    Iolla Iolla® supporter

  7. #7
    TinkerTool è un'applicazione gratuita che dà accesso a preferenze normalmente non accessibili ma che sono presenti comunque nel sistema. Le modifiche vengono effettuate solo a livello di utente, non bisogna avere privilegi di amministratore.
    Da Tiger in su.

    Version 4.0:
    • TinkerTool 4 was rewritten completely and uses new technologies for its core and user interface.
    • A help panel was added.
    • The user interface can now be displayed in Spanish.
    • Added preference for Snow Leopard to let QuickLook inspect folders by showing them with transparent covers.
    • Added preference for Snow Leopard to block the feature “connect to server” in the Finder.
    • Added preference for Snow Leopard to block the iDisk features in the Finder.
    • Added preference for Snow Leopard to block the eject feature in the Finder.
    • Added preference for Snow Leopard to block the features for disk burning in the Finder.
    • Added preference for Snow Leopard to block the feature “go to folder” in the Finder.
    • Added preference for Snow Leopard to block the restart option in the Finder.
    • Added preference for Snow Leopard to block the shutdown option in the Finder.
    • Added preference for Snow Leopard to disable the Dock Exposé feature (returning to context menus on click-and-hold).
    • Added preference for Snow Leopard to enable a larger, grid-like display for stacks in list view mode.
    • Added preference for Snow Leopard to set the delay before applications will display help tags (“tooltips”).
    • Added preference for Snow Leopard to disable the immediate inline-display of attachments in Apple Mail.
    • Added preference for Snow Leopard to force Mail to copy plain e-mail adresses to the pasteboard (omitting names).
    • Added preference for Snow Leopard to let the Exposé feature “Application Windows” include windows from all Spaces.
    • Added preference for Snow Leopard to disable the quarantine security warning when opening downloaded objects.
    • Added preference for Snow Leopard to control to which computer the remote access feature is sending system key shortcuts.
    • Added preference for Snow Leopard to control the style and degree of font smoothing (optimized for CRT or LCD).
    • Added preference for QuickTime X to disable display of controls when cursor re-enters player window.
    • Added preference for QuickTime X to keep player controls always visible.
    • Added preference for QuickTime X not to use rounded window corners for the player.
    • Added preference for QuickTime X to disable the title bar of the player.
    • Added preference for QuickTime X not to auto-play movies when opening the player.
    • Added preference for QuickTime X to show close captioning and subtitles after launching the player.
    • Added preference for QuickTime X to maintain full-screen mode when switching to other applications.
    • Added preference for QuickTime X to allow multiple concurrent recordings.
    • Added preference for QuickTime X to use the option key to switch between video and audio tracks when trimming movies.
    • Added preference for QuickTime X to use the option key to highlight silent ranges in the audio track when trimming movies.
    • The Portuguese version of the user interface had to be removed.
    Ultima modifica di Padmé Amidala; 23-02-10 alle 11:14
    Tigre! Tigre! divampante fulgore | Nelle foreste della notte, | Quale fu l'immortale mano o l'occhio | Ch'ebbe la forza di formare | La tua agghiacciante simmetria?

  8. #8
    Grazie della segnalazione. Un giorno qualcuno dovrà prendersi la briga di fare una recensione "parallela" delle utility più diffuse su Mac (Cocktail, Onyx, TinkerTool etc.) mettendo in evidenza le caratteristiche in comune e quello che possono fare nel bene e nel male al sistema.

  9. #9
    TinkerTool è piuttosto innocuo. Non permette di fare manutenzione e pulizia come cocktail. onyx, yasu, itweax,... ma solo di configurare parametri nascosti. Facilita il lavoro a chi non piace usare il terminale o preferencesetter.
    Tigre! Tigre! divampante fulgore | Nelle foreste della notte, | Quale fu l'immortale mano o l'occhio | Ch'ebbe la forza di formare | La tua agghiacciante simmetria?

  10. #10
    Version 4.1:

    By user request, settings for iTunes 9 are now available when running Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard, too. (In addition to settings of iTunes 8 in Leopard).
    Added preference for Snow Leopard and iTunes 9 to allow ratings with half stars.
    Added preference for Snow Leopard and iTunes 9 to show a master playlist for the entire media library.
    Added preference for Snow Leopard and iTunes 9 to load excerpts of tracks completely beforing playing them when browsing the iTunes Store. This is helpful when using slow Internet lines.
    Corrected a problem where the check mark ”Maintain full-screen mode when switching to other applications” for QuickTime X could show the opposite state.
    Corrected a problem where font smoothing of Mac OS X was assuming a different background color during animation of the preference panes. This could lead to visible artefacts on specific combinations of graphics chips and monitors.
    Tigre! Tigre! divampante fulgore | Nelle foreste della notte, | Quale fu l'immortale mano o l'occhio | Ch'ebbe la forza di formare | La tua agghiacciante simmetria?

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