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Discussione: Chrome

  1. #21


    Google Chrome -

    What's new:
    First public beta release.

    Mac OS X 10.5.6 or later.

  2. #22
    Google Chrome -

    What's new:
    Fixed several common crashes
    Added a notification says "xxx is synched." if you are already synced and click that button.
    Known issue: You'll get an error when checking for updates using the About Google Chrome dialog. 'Update server not available' (error : 12). Regardless of the error message, the update is successful.

    Mac OS X 10.5.6 or later.

  3. #23
    Google Chrome - 4.0.302.2

    What's new:
    We now only use our own FTP parsing code; please file bugs if you encounter any problems while navigating FTP sites.
    Various improvements to the bookmark manager.
    Fix mis-sized download shelf close button.
    Enable the task manager.
    Support pinch to zoom on the Mac.
    Implements context menus for Page and Browser Actions.
    Eliminate Helper zombies.
    Quake Live Plugin will now load.
    Fix issues with browser action popups.
    Support plugin cursors, and fix cursor flicker with fullscreen plugins.
    Improve scroll performance on some sites, e.g.
    Controls in QuickTime content now work.
    Double-clicking a plugin will no longer select it.
    Cookie manager, bookmark manager, sporadic flash plugin crashes are known issues.

    Mac OS X 10.5.6 or later.

  4. #24
    Sono scemo io o le risposte di votantonio sono in inglese...!! Potrei saperne il motivo?

  5. #25
    Oracolo di Mac Peer
    Data Registrazione
    Mar 2007
    E' un copia e incolla delle release notes che, nella maggioranza di casi, sono solo in inglese.
    [B][COLOR=grey][SIZE=2]Memento [/SIZE][/COLOR][COLOR=grey][SIZE=2]gAude[/SIZE][/COLOR][COLOR=grey][SIZE=2]re Semper[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B]
    [SIZE=1][COLOR=Gray]Ciò che nella vita reale mi ha sempre e ovunque ostacolato è stata la mia incapacità di farmi un'idea autentica della meschinità e della bassezza degli uomini.[/COLOR][I][COLOR=Silver] (A. Schopenhauer)

  6. #26

  7. #27
    Google Chrome - 5.0.307.1

    What's new:
    Improved plugin stability.
    Cocoa NPAPI plugins will now get NPCocoaEventMouseDragged and NPCocoaEventFlagsChanged events
    Fix crash that sometimes happened when dragging tabs
    Fix %cpu in task manager.
    Give the cookies manager a search field.
    Make copying of big images more robust
    Improve task manager resizing behavior
    Known Issue: Crash when deleting cookies.

    Mac OS X 10.5.6 or later.

  8. #28
    Google Chrome - 5.0.307.5

    What's new:
    Fix themes being corrupted after upgrade (bad colors, extra wrench menu, etc).
    Fix a crash when the page is closed or navigates while a popup menu is open.
    Bookmark manager: restore focus when people press Esc.
    Bookmark manager: Fix a crash on deleting a folder
    Fix a crash when plugins are scrolled or multiple plugins frames load
    Prevent tabs from closing when a popup window is open
    Fix a crash when opening a menu while the browser starts
    Developer Tools: fix broken autocomplete.
    Fix cookie management dialog being slow to load.

    Mac OS X 10.5.6 or later.

  9. #29
    Google Chrome - 5.0.307.7

    What's new in this version:
    With this new version, you'll be able to install any of over 2,200 extensions (and counting!) currently available in Chrome's extensions gallery. Extensions can add useful, informative, fun, or quirky functionality to the browser. You can manage your extensions by clicking on the Window menu and choosing "Extensions." For this release, we remained focused on providing a snappy, safe, and simple browsing experience on the Mac.

    Mac OS X 10.5.6 or later.

  10. #30
    Google Chrome - 5.0.322.2

    What's new in this version:
    Don't crash when a theme specifies a nonexistent image.
    Honor modifiers for clicks on home button - cmd-clicking the home button now opens your home page in a new tab.
    Implemented writing direction context menu in text input fields.
    Add local storage nodes to the cookie manager
    Native Client
    Chrome for Mac OS 10.6 can now run Native Client modules directly, no plugin required. To enable this features, run Chrome with the following command line flags --internal-nacl --enable-gpu-plugin --no-sandbox.
    Platform-independent NPAPI extensions for 2D, 3D, and mouse/keyboard events are now available.
    Don't crash when extensions use cookie.
    Preserve order of browser actions across extension autoupdate.
    Implemented overflow and reordering of browser actions (this was actually in the last update, but missed the release notes).

    Mac OS X 10.5.6 or later.

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