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  1. #1
    Data Registrazione
    Nov 2007
    Quadrante α

    Onyx - OS X maintenance & optimization tool.


    Onyx 2.0.4 per Leopard.

    Nome: OnyX108.png
Visite: 192
Dimensione: 15.8 KB

    Onyx č un programma di utilitŕ per Mac OS X (PowerPC e Intel). Consente di verificare il disco di avvio e la struttura dei suoi file di sistema, di eseguire diversi compiti di manutenzione del sistema, di configurare i parametri nascosti del Finder, del Dock e di alcune delle applicazioni di Apple, eliminare le cache, e molto altro ancora.
    Da usare con cautela e solo se si sa quello che si fa,(ndr).

    Version 2.0.4:

    Bug of display the Journaling status corrected
    Bug while displaying message in the Login Window corrected
    Deleting logs improved
    Parameters > Misc panel reorganized
    Help corrected, improved and reindexed
    Uninstaller application updated
    Option: Display only running applications in the Dock
    Option: Show the Help Viewer icon in the Dock and the applications Switcher
    Option: Enable the Debug mode of Help Viewer
    Ogni tanto viene citato, ma dato che in taluni casi puň rivelarsi utile (con le dovute attenzioni), gli ho dedicato una pagina tutta sua.
    Ultima modifica di avrobay; 27-10-12 alle 15:07

  2. #2
    Quintessenza di Mac Peer L'avatar di Peterpan
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2007

    Su OSX questi tool vanno usati consapevolmente e SOLO SE C'E' UNA RAGIONE REALE per farlo...

  3. #3
    Version 2.0.5:

    Compiled with Xcode 3.1.3
    Mac OS X 10.5.8 Compatibility
    Translations improved
    Deleting logs and Crash reports improved
    Deleting User Cache improved
    Deleting Internet Cache improved
    Deleting recent items improved
    Firefox and Flock History and Favicons individually and correctly deleted
    Enable/disable shadow in the window captures
    Individual deleting the recent conversions of Calculator
    Bug corrected in the Infos panel
    New tab (Utilities > Process) to create and manage the process accounting
    Errors management improved
    Show/hide the alert message at first launch of downloaded applications
    New iTunes tab in the Parameters panel with new options:
    Add or not the track number
    Auto play the songs while importing
    Enable/disable the notation by half star
    Info panel improved
    OnyX Log Size in the Log panel
    Help updated and reindexed
    Bug in Uninstaller options corrected
    Uninstaller updated
    Tigre! Tigre! divampante fulgore | Nelle foreste della notte, | Quale fu l'immortale mano o l'occhio | Ch'ebbe la forza di formare | La tua agghiacciante simmetria?

  4. #4
    Una prima beta (2.1b1) per Snow Leopard.
    Tigre! Tigre! divampante fulgore | Nelle foreste della notte, | Quale fu l'immortale mano o l'occhio | Ch'ebbe la forza di formare | La tua agghiacciante simmetria?

  5. #5
    Una seconda beta per correggere molti bugs

    Version 2.1beta2:

    Very many modifications in this version of Onyx. They relate to primarily compatibility with Snow Leopard. The Uninstaller application was also updated

    WARNING: This is a beta release!
    If you find bugs, don't hesitate to send to me your reports by e-mail or on the forums. Thanks!
    Tigre! Tigre! divampante fulgore | Nelle foreste della notte, | Quale fu l'immortale mano o l'occhio | Ch'ebbe la forza di formare | La tua agghiacciante simmetria?

  6. #6
    Version 2.1beta3:
    • Very many modifications in this version of Onyx. They relate to primarily compatibility with Snow Leopard. Now, you can uninstall OnyX from the OnyX menu of the application.
    • WARNING: This is a beta version!
    Tigre! Tigre! divampante fulgore | Nelle foreste della notte, | Quale fu l'immortale mano o l'occhio | Ch'ebbe la forza di formare | La tua agghiacciante simmetria?

  7. #7
    A distanza di poche ore:
    Onyx - Version 2.1beta4

    Very many modifications in this version of Onyx. They relate to primarily compatibility with Snow Leopard. Now, you can uninstall OnyX from the OnyX menu of the application.
    WARNING: This is a beta version!

  8. #8
    Onyx - Version 2.1b5

    What's new:
    Very many modifications in this version of Onyx. They relate to primarily compatibility with Snow Leopard.
    No installer anymore... Just drag and drop.
    Now, you can uninstall OnyX from the OnyX menu of the application.

    WARNING: This is a beta version!
    If you find bugs, don't hesitate to send to me your reports by e-mail or on the forums.

  9. #9
    Onyx - Version 2.1

    What's new:
    Very many modifications in this version of Onyx. They relate to primarily compatibility with Snow Leopard.
    No installer anymore... Just drag and drop.
    Now, you can uninstall OnyX from the OnyX menu of the application.

    Mac OS X 10.6.

  10. #10
    per snow leopard

    Version 2.1.1:
    User and System Dialog Report divided (Cleaning > Logs)
    Enable/disable the Exposé menu
    Show/hide the Spotlight icon
    Check at launch if the account is administrator
    Help updated and reindexed
    Mac OS X 10.6 or later
    Tigre! Tigre! divampante fulgore | Nelle foreste della notte, | Quale fu l'immortale mano o l'occhio | Ch'ebbe la forza di formare | La tua agghiacciante simmetria?

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