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Discussione: Whatsize

  1. #1



    Questo shareware (che si può usare gratuitamente fino a 20 GB) serve a vedere quanto spazio è occupato sul nostro hard disk e da quali file/cartelle esso è occupato. I file e le cartelle sono elencati secondo la loro grandezza, i più grandi per primi.

    Version 4.8.2: Minor bug fixes related to Snow Leopard.

    Nome: 702125.png
Visite: 278
Dimensione: 5.8 KB
    Ultima modifica di avrobay; 28-10-12 alle 00:54

  2. #2
    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Padmé Amidala Visualizza Messaggio
    Questo shareware (che si può usare gratuitamente fino a 20 GB) serve a vedere quanto spazio è occupato sul nostro hard disk e da quali file/cartelle esso è occupato. I file e le cartelle sono elencati secondo la loro grandezza, i più grandi per primi...
    ...Version 4.8.2: Minor bug fixes related to Snow Leopard.
    Ben fatto, grazie della segnalazione Principessa!

  3. #3
    WhatSize - 4.8.3

    What's new:
    Major fixes in memory usage. For example while measuring a Volume with 350GB worth of data the app will consume 250MB less of memory.
    Minor speed improvements as well.
    Improvements to the Delocalizer engine.

    Mac OS X 10.4 or later.

  4. #4
    WhatSize - 4.9.0

    What's new:
    Added Duplicate Files functionality. We consider two files to be duplicates if they have the same md5 hash value. Figuring out the md5 hashes can be a long and expensive operation, so we will build the hash values in the background and store them into a database for convenience. If the files are modified the md5 hashes will be recalculated. You’d be suprised at how many duplicate files are out there.
    We will skip the following file names: .svn, build, cvs, *.app, *.framework, *.bundle, */library/caches/ 

    We plan to allow for more control in a future release using a preference panel.
    Fixed SnowLeopard bug crash related to Java.
    Fixed SnowLeopard file size math. In SnowLeopard one KB is 1000. Apple went to multiples of 1000 rather than multiples of 1024 when displaying the compact file size.
    Modified QuickLookUI loading to prevent crash on SnowLeopard.

    Mac OS X 10.4 or later.

  5. #5
    WhatSize - 4.9.1

    What's new:
    Bug fixes, enhacements, to the Find Duplicates functionality.
    Bug fixes, enhacements, to the Lipo Suction, functionality.
    Added tool bar icon and menu item.

    Mac OS X 10.4 or later.

  6. #6
    Pietra Miliare di Mac Peer L'avatar di Luthien
    Data Registrazione
    Oct 2008
    wow! Già 4.9.1!
    "L'arte è magia liberata dalla menzogna di essere verità"

  7. #7
    WhatSize - 4.9.2

    What's new in this version:
    Bug fixes, enhacements, to the Find Duplicate Files functionality.

    Mac OS X 10.4 or later.

  8. #8
    WhatSize - 4.9.3

    What's new:
    Bug fixes, enhancements, to the Find Duplicate Files functionality.
    Clicking on the app icon (from the Dock) will bring up the main window if none is visible. This behavior is similar to Apple's Finder.
    The check for updates setting on the Preferences Window now sticks.
    When measuring or refreshing a folder under PieChart the User Interface will refresh itself.
    Added menu item to reset the Find Duplicates database.
    More accurate time estimates when building the duplicates database.
    Added support for multiple seat keys. You need to purchase one of these if you plan to use the software on more than 3 machines.
    Added key validation to our website servers. At this time we check only for blacklisted keys, which is always a problem. We allow a one seat key to be used in up to 3 machines. If the key is blacklisted the software will revert to demo mode.

    Mac OS X 10.4 or later.

  9. #9
    Mac Peer Aficionado L'avatar di wuombley
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2008
    MacBook Pro 17- Intel Core 2 Duo-2.6 GHz-4 GB-Mac OS X 10.6.5-Snow Leopard.......Fantastico

  10. #10
    WhatSize - 4.9.4

    What's new in this version:
    Bug fixes, enhacements, to handle uncaught exceptions. Some of these issues were affecting users on SnowLeopard. Uncaught exceptions are now caught and presented in a clean UI. You can mail these to our servers for analysis. This will help us get feedback and resolve special case issues a lot easier than before. The UI was inspired by Apple's built in crash log reporter.

    Mac OS X 10.4 or later.

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