Temi di Natale per iWeb messi a disposizione da iWebThemesPark, Christmas holidays e Christmas night.
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Temi di Natale per iWeb messi a disposizione da iWebThemesPark, Christmas holidays e Christmas night.
Grazie :)
Su A MAC ISLAND si sono accumulate diverse stationary per Mail gratuite, date un'occhiata.
-Turn a new page
-Chinese New Year
-Mac OS X Lion (un bel leone sulle email)
-Condolences :(
Attenzione a chi installa Mountain Lion:
When you install Mac OS X Mountain Lion, all Stationery Packs that you have installed, disappears.
There are two solutions:
1) If you have saved on your hard drive (or other media) the packs you bought : just reinstall them.
2) If you don't know where they are or if you haven't saved them, please send us an email at support@amacisland.com asking us the missing packs and we will try to send them back again as soon as possible.