
Visualizza Versione Completa : Adium X - 0.82

18-06-05, 00:53
Aggiornamento con una bella sfilza di bug fix.

26-06-05, 20:24
mi va benissimo per laprima volata da quando uso adium sono riuscito a scambiare files in rete msn Fastweb to fastweb(con win e messenger)

proteus è bello che rimasto indietro :lol:

26-06-05, 20:29
AdiumX è spettacolare offre un livello di personalizzazione grazie agli Xtra davvero irragiungibile dagli altri client

nn credete? :roll:

15-12-05, 23:45
Aggiornamento di Adium 0.87.

Link diretto per il download (

16-12-05, 03:52
novita' rispetto al vecchio adium? uso proteus...e sono soddisfatto! il vecchio adium..nn mi piaceva.... :(

16-12-05, 15:46
novita' rispetto al vecchio adium? uso proteus...e sono soddisfatto! il vecchio adium..nn mi piaceva.... :(

Ecco le novità:

Updated to Off-the-Record 3.0.0 for OTRv2, implementing multiple usability improvements to encryption in the process [#2068] [#14] [#119]
Added cmd-shift-Y as a shortcut for the available Custom... status menu item
Fixed an issue in which an old away message was displayed in the message window when a contact went away [#2048]
Fixed retrieval of ICQ nicknames when connecting [#1859]
Fixed blocking of metacontacts
Fixed initial display of Alias (Username) and Username (Alias) contact list display [#226]
Fixed issues with the emoticon menu in the Appearance preferences [#1864]
Fixed paste-with-formatting of certain text including links copied from Safari
Fixed issues with updating of tab status icons when accounts sign on or off [#2174]
Fixed the password prompt window for French users
Fixed middle name support when using Address Book names
Fixed issues with messaging Jabber contacts with + or \ in their names [#2206]
Fixed issues with deleting chat logs with FileVault enabled [#2022]
Fixed a cosmetic issue with the Yahoo service icon [#348]
Fixed a drawing glitch when contacts have a newline in their display names [#2154]
Fixed the display of service icons when originally displayed as a badge but user icons are then disabled. [#2317]
Fixed an issue with changing your messaging font after selecting Set Font... in the Messages preferences
Fixed a crash when opening the file transfer window if the Apple Gothic font is not installed
Fixed initial display of the encryption and user icon toolbar icons if the toolbar was hidden when the window opened [#136]
Fixed setting the font size by manual input in several places [#545]
Fixed a cosmetic issue in the tabs when using large status icons [#2070]
Fixed live updating by the 'show idle times' preference [#2318]
Fixed a Bonjour-related crash
Allow selection for copying of the OTR Private Key [#2248]
Improved ability of third-party service plugins to provide appropriate service images [#1170]
Improved presentation of away statuses such as BRB and Do Not Disturb in tooltips
Improved the Eclipse message style [#627] [#729] [#999]
Improved automatic installation from
Removed the Sametime "contact list setting" option, defaulting to "Load and Save From/To Server"
Catalan, Czech, Dutch, French, German, Icelandic, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Swedish, and Traditional Chinese translation updates
Added Brazilian Portuguese translation
Added Canadian English translation [#2244]
Added Polish translation


26-01-06, 00:08
Aggiornato: clicca qui ( (versione 0.88) :)

Version 0.88 (1/24/2006)

Adium is now a Universal binary
Improved autoconnection when waking from sleep [#1420]
Fixed MSN buddy icon retrieval and updating [#31]
Upgraded to Growl 0.7.4
Enabled interserver communication for Google Talk
Fixed restoration of the contact list position when it is adjacent to a Dock on the right or left screen edges [#156]
Fixed issues with PortableAdium
Fixed a crash when playing demonstration speech text
Fixed issues with transparency in the contact list for group bubbles and contact bubbles [#96]
Fixed a crash when messaging Bonjour contacts who are actually offline
Fixed issues with an incorrect maximum length for Yahoo! Japan account names
Fixed a warning shown when connecting with certain .Mac screennames
Fixed a crash with certain message styles and Show Header enabled [#2473]
Fixed a Gadu-Gadu crash [#2456]
Fixed autoconnect after sleep for newly added accounts and after holding Shift during Adium's startup
Improved the textual equivalents for the Halo emoticon in the default emoticon pack [#2786]
Improved the Uptime script [#2734]
Fixed away and idle indicators in the Dock icon which were broken for most non-English localizations [#2571]
Fixed localized display of date information in the message window [#2537]
Fixed localization issues with the Away Status Window [#2676]
Russian translation updates
Added Australian English translation

13-02-06, 01:35
Altro aggiornamento di adium ( Ora alla versione 0.89 :)

Mac 4 Life
11-04-06, 02:03
Aggiornamento alla versione 0.89.1 ( ;)


10-07-06, 19:29
Vi segnalo un'icona del doc per Adium che ho creato in onore alla nostra nazionale vincente ai mondiali. .gif
Potete scaricarla da qui:

Edit: se volete potete anche votarla (basta cliccare sulle stelline) o magari commentarla. Grazie per l'attenzione. :wink: