
Visualizza Versione Completa : FilmLoop: pre-beta per Macintosh

10-01-06, 16:04

We are releasing the pre-beta version of FilmLoop for the Macintosh at Macworld San Francisco,
January 2006.

What does "pre-beta" mean? Well, the product is safe to use, but there are some features not fully baked, and some glitches still happening. You may also get more frequent 'auto updates' for new versions of the software than usual. For the complete story, go to

If you decide to use the pre-beta version, we need your feedback! Your help in testing the software will be invaluable. Use the FilmLoop Forum to get in touch with us.

If you are ready to try the pre-beta software, please go ahead and click on the button below.
Note: This pre-beta release requires Mac OS 10.4.x

10-01-06, 16:06
Cosa è questo FilmLoop?

FilmLoop is free software that lets you broadcast, find, and share photos. It's an instant way to share your photos with your entire social network, and have everyone get involved.

Share your Photos
Use FilmLoop to build a "Loop" of your personal photos. What's a Loop? It's a string of images that moves across your screen.

Share your Loop with friends, family, -- anyone really. Include photos of whatever, from wherever — Internet images, pictures from your phone, or pictures from your camera. It's one-click photo sharing. No login. No URL. No hassle. (Read more about how to do this.)

Whenever you make a change to your Loop, everyone in your Loop sees your changes. Automatically. Instantly. Plus, your Loop can be updated, expanded and commented upon by anyone in your Loop, and everyone will see their updates instantly too. (Read more about commenting.)

Get your Loop out there
Once you've built your Loop, get it on your Blog or Web site. (Read more about how to do this.)

Get Cool, Free Content
With FilmLoop, you get the FilmLoop Network — a vast library of cool, photo-rich Loops on every imaginable topic. Get Loops on news, art, entertainment, sports, and humor as well as Public Loops submitted by other FilmLoop users. There's bound to be something in the FilmLoop Network you love.

Get in the Loop!
How do you get in the Loop? It's easy. The FilmLoop Player is free. Click on the download button on this page.