ho un problema con ps3 mediaserver, quando condivido un file video dal mac alla ps3 qualche volta questo continua a scattare.
sapete come è possibile risolvere il problema? c'è qualche impostazione da configurare?
Sei connesso via wireless ? La tua rete potrebbe avere poco segnale o essere disturbata.
05-02-10, 14:52
due aspetti: codifica video e rete. il primo attiene all'hardware (processore, ram, ecc), il secondo al network.
nulla di strano e se c'è qualcosa da configurare, tipo la codifica, è nelle preferenze.
edit e come volevasi dimostrare:
2. My video playback is stuttering. What can I do ?
The answer depends on the video type, your network configuration, and cpu power. For almost SD/DVD videos, transcode should be fine. But if you are using default settings, and willing to play HD videos (or very, very good looking SD videos) on a WiFi/CPL connection, the stuttering is normal. You'll need to set a limit to the bandwidth used by the program, in the "Transcoding Settings->Encoder settings ->Maximum Bandwidth" textbox. A value of 14, or 15 (in Mbits) is an average value for Wifi/CPL. But you can set more or less, depends on the strength of your network. Please also be advised that reducing the bitrate will stress even more your CPU.
That's why, if after setting a fair value for your network, or if you are on a wired connection, stuttering still occurs, it may be caused by an old (or not shiny anymore :p) CPU. Actually a Core2Duo CPU is enough to transcode 1080p with default network/quality settings, but a P4 is the very low limit in order to play a 720p video. If you stand between these two, you can adjust the video quality settings ("Transcoding Settings->Encoder settings") and test the examples provided in the drop down (you can also play with the parameters vqscale, vqmin, etc.) It's also recommended if you are on Windows, to try the AviSynth/Mencoder trancoding engine, as you could play your videos with CoreAVC, a fast H264 decoder (see Readme for instructions). Try also to reduce the number of channels. By default the application output a 5.1 channel video, so if you switch to stereo, the transcode will be a little faster. The good behavior of the transcoder is dependant on many parameters. It's up to you to find the most adapted ones to your configuration !
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