Visualizza Versione Completa : NetNewsWire - Lettore RSS

31-07-09, 07:25
NetNewsWire (http://www.newsgator.com/Individuals/NetNewsWire/) http://www.macupdate.com/images/icons/10350.png

Più volte segnalato nel forum, è da molti considerato il migliore lettore di feed RSS. Facile da utilizzare, interfaccia simile a Mail, può scaricare e visualizzare le notizie da diverse migliaia di siti web e blog, il che rende facile e veloce tenere il passo con le ultime notizie.

http://www.macupdate.com/images/screens/uploaded/10350_sm.png (http://screenshots.macupdate.com/images/screens/uploaded/JPG/10350_scr.jpg)

Features include:
-A tabbed browser lets you read web pages with the convenience of staying in the same window.
-Search your news items with a standard Apple search widget, like in Mail and other applications.
-Downloads podcasts and enclosures, and sends podcasts to iTunes with with your choice of genre and playlist.
-The flagged items feature lets you mark items that you want to keep -- they stay forever or until you mark them as unflagged.
-Mac OS X 10.5 compatible, and includes Automator actions to control functions in NetNewsWire.
-Other features include syncing, smart lists, search subscriptions, built-in styles, and AppleScript support.
-Includes a built-in categorized list of feeds that can be easily subscribed to.
-If NetNewsWire Lite is already running, quit it before running NetNewsWire.

Ultima release NetNewsWire 3.2b6 (beta) (http://ranchero.com/downloads/nnw3.2b6.tgz)(4.5 MB)

Version 3.2b6:
-This is supposed to be a minor upgrade. The main point of 3.2 is as transition to 4.0.
-Features removed: NewsGator syncing; .mac/FTP syncing
-GoogleReader syncing (though some bugs remain)
-Displays ads from The Deck
-New app icon
-A few other additions and changes

Requires Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard).

Before running, it’s a very good idea to back up your current NetNewsWire preferences and data, in case you have to go back. They’re here:

[home folder]/Library/Application Support/NetNewsWire/
[home folder]/Library/Preferences/com.ranchero.NetNewsWire.plist

Ultima versione non beta: NetNewsWire 3.1.7 (http://ranchero.com/downloads/NetNewsWire3.1.7.dmg)

Esiste anche la versione per l'iPhone:

NetNewsWire for iPhone (http://www.newsgator.com/individuals/netnewswireiphone/default.aspx)

http://www.newsgator.com/img/ss/iPhone_nnwMainScreen.jpg http://www.newsgator.com/img/ss/iPhone_nnwNewsItemsList.jpg http://www.newsgator.com/img/ss/iPhone_nnwNewsItem.jpg

Padmé Amidala
31-07-09, 07:47
Grazie, però il link che dai per Netnewswire per iPhone porta al sito Newsgator.com

In corrispondenza a questa uscita della 3.2b6, cosa non casuale ma legata, il sito Newsgator.com ha annunciato che non sarà più disponibile per gli utenti free da fine agosto. Quindi fare un account per poter usare Netnewswire per iPhone sembra inutile.

NewsGator’s Online Reader will no longer be available for consumer use as of August 31, 2009.
In conjunction with the release of our latest versions of NetNewsWire and FeedDemon which synchronize with Google Reader, NewsGator will no longer be supporting our online reader for consumer use. Paid customers who utilize the online reader or our online platform will continue to be supported.

For free versions of the latest clients, please click the appropriate link:
For detailed instructions on migrating your account to Google Reader and answers to other questions, please see our FAQ page.

Invita a scaricare il client Netnewswire segnalato da Riker (o feeddemon per windows) e per l'online a passare a Google Reader. Cosa che ho fatto.

NewsGator Online Customers
Sign-up for a Google Reader™ account
Export your NewsGator Online RSS Reading List
Login to NewsGator Online
Click Settings
Click Edit Locations
Under the NewsGator Web Edition Location, click OPML
Select Expose OPML to all users
Click Save Changes
Click OPML once more
Click on the OPML URL link
In your browser, select File | Save as
Save the file
Import your NewsGator Go! RSS Reading List to Google Reader
Within Google Reader, click Settings
Click Import/Export
Choose the location of your OPML file
Click Import
Google Reader will add all the subscriptions in the list to your account and start checking the feeds for updates

Però non viene detto niente riguardo a Netnewswire per iphone, che non funziona affatto con i dati dell'account Google Reader. (a parte questo: Brent Simmons will continue to lead the development of NetNewsWire for the Mac, NetNewsWire for the iPhone, and iPhone Apps.)

Alcune fonti parlano di un prossimo aggiornamento per Netnewswire per iphone, ma non si è capito in cosa consiste. In pratica dal 31 agosto, se le cose restano così, non so a cosa serve Netnewswire per iphone.

Nel frattempo ho cercato per l'iphone alternative che leggono Google Sync (che sincronizza con la beta di Netnewswire) e ho trovato l'esageratamente caro Byline (e altri a pagamento) e il gratuito ma non molto convincente RSS Runner.

31-07-09, 08:29
Ciao Padmé,

se con:

"Grazie, però il link che dai per Netsnewswire per iPhone porta al sito Newsgator.com"
ti riferisci al non aver messo il link per il download diretto, è intenzionale.
Non ho l'iPhone e non ne potevo scrivere, quindi rimandavo alla pagina del sito.

Però non viene detto niente riguardo a Netsnewswire per iphone, che non funziona affatto con i dati dell'account Google Reader.

I use NewsGator Online, how do these announcements impact me? NewsGator Online will no longer be available for consumers as of August 31, 2009. If you would like to continue to take advantage of the power of RSS, we recommend FeedDemon (for Windows), NetNewsWire (for Macs and iPhones),
FAQs (http://www.newsgator.com/productinfo/consumerinfo.aspx)

Di più nin sò!:)


Padmé Amidala
31-07-09, 08:33
Allora diciamo così: non andate sul sito newsgator.com ma su Google reader per creare (se non avete già un account gmail) e gestire un account, account indispensabile per la sincronizzazione con la beta di NetNewswire:https://www.google.com/accounts/ServiceLogin?hl=en&nui=1&service=reader&continue=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2Freader%2Fvi ew%2F

E il link per Netnewswire per iPhone sull'app store è questo, ma per ora (a me) non funziona ancora con Google reader (solo con il morente Newsgator). Si attende una nuova versione prima del 31 agosto..


31-07-09, 10:08
ottimo... è vero. lo uso da sempre sull'iphone, ma anche su mac merita. grazie Riker. :)

01-09-09, 07:13

NetNewsWire 3.2b23 (http://ranchero.com/downloads/nnwbeta.tgz)

Note: This is still a beta — it’s unfinished, and it has bugs and incomplete features. If you haven’t started using a beta yet, you don’t need to: you can wait until it’s finished (by August 31).

Release notes were unavailable at the time this listing was updated.

edit: infatti...

NetNewsWire 3.2b24

Version 3.2b24:
Ads were set to start showing on September 1. But, because we don’t yet have a way to pay to remove ads, we put off showing ads for two weeks.
(Note: we won’t turn off NewsGator syncing until NetNewsWire 3.2 and NetNewsWire 2.0 for iPhone are finished.)
Temporarily turned off support for media:content enclosures, since they were mostly images, and it was highly annoying.
Also made the app more tolerant of return codes from Google Reader when marking an item read or unread, so the app won’t get stuck on an individual item.

Padmé Amidala
16-09-09, 01:41
Version 3.2b25:

Ads were set to start showing on September 1. But, because we don’t yet have a way to pay to remove ads, we put off showing ads for two weeks.
(Note: we won’t turn off NewsGator syncing until NetNewsWire 3.2 and NetNewsWire 2.0 for iPhone are finished.)
Temporarily turned off support for media:content enclosures, since they were mostly images, and it was highly annoying.
Also made the app more tolerant of return codes from Google Reader when marking an item read or unread, so the app won’t get stuck on an individual item.
Mac OS X 10.5 or later.

Padmé Amidala
21-09-09, 21:52

Syncing is more efficient and more accurate. In particular, it will download a lot less data when refreshing — it will download just the feeds that need downloading.

Padmé Amidala
24-09-09, 09:01
Segnalo che da oggi è disponibile sull'app store la nuova versione di Netnewswire, con una nuova icona (quella della desktop app) e affiancata da una sorella premium, a pagamento.
Dunque, la nuova versione non fa più la sincronizzazione dei feed con newsgator, ma con google reader. E' dunque lì che bisogna andare a trasferire i propri feed provenienti da newsgator. Il termine ultimo è ora fissato al 28 settembre (era il 1o ma l'app per iphone non era ancora pronta).


Istruzioni per il trasferimento:

Sign-up for a Google Reader™ account

Login to NewsGator Online
Click Settings
Click Edit Locations
Under the NewsGator Web Edition Location, click OPML
Select Expose OPML to all users
Click Save Changes
Click OPML once more
Click on the OPML URL link
In your browser, select File | Save as
Save the file
Import your NewsGator Go! RSS Reading List to Google Reader
Within Google Reader, click Settings
Click Import/Export
Choose the location of your OPML file
Click Import
Google Reader will add all the subscriptions in the list to your account and start checking the feeds for updates

Contemporaneamente è stata rilasciata la versione 3.2 (definitiva) della desktop app Netnewswire.

Padmé Amidala
26-09-09, 03:48
Versione 3.2.1

Fixed the most embarrassing bug ever. Clicking the ad for buying NetNewsWire (to get rid of the ads) would cause NetNewsWire to crash. (Though it did open the store page in the browser before crashing.)

22-10-09, 09:33
NetNewsWire 3.2.2

WHAT'S NEW Version 3.2.2:


-Cmd-W closes the current tab, if a tab is displayed, instead of closing the window.
-Fixed a bug where where the highlighting in vertical tabs table could be off sometimes.
-Fixed the fuzzy close buttons for vertical tabs when running on Snow Leopard.
-Restored Post Tabs to Weblog and Export Tabs commands (see bottom of Tab menu, same place as in 3.1).

Crashing bugs

-Hopefully worked around a PubSub crash.
-Fixed -- probably -- a crashing bug getting the unread count of the flagged items feed.


-French localization added. (Thanks to Corentin and his crew of crack translators!)
-Got the Check for Updates system running again. (But you may have to download this version manually, since the URLs changed.)
-Normalizing serial numbers -- removing leading and trailing white space, upper-casing the string -- so that people have an easier time getting their serial number entered.
-Added links to new Google Groups for NetNewsWire Mac and iPhone to the Help menu.
-Now building on Snow Leopard -- but still targeting OS X 10.5.
-Now using Clang LLVM 1.0 compiler.
-Got rid of all build-time deprecation warnings.
-Added some feeds to the defaults-for-new-users list: Rhonabwy (Joe Heck), RogueSheep, and Better Elevation (Dave Wiskus).

Mac OS X 10.5 or later.


Padmé Amidala
26-10-09, 13:59
Version 3.2.3:
Fixes a bug validating some serial numbers in certain conditions.

06-02-10, 01:54
NetNewsWire - 3.2.4

What's new:
This is just a quick-fix build for people who use Google Reader syncing who've recently found that NetNewsWire may stop downloading feeds after a while.
(Well, it also includes a minor performance enhancement: it uses gzip compression when talking to Google Reader, so feeds download faster.)
There is a much bigger update in the works, with more performance enhancements and bug fixes. This is not that update -- this is just a quick fix to get people back up-and-running.

Mac OS X 10.4 or later.

23-02-10, 22:23
NetNewsWire - 3.2.5

What's new:
Fixes a crashing bug with authenticated proxies.
Note: more updates to come. Probably smaller rather than one big update, just to get fixes available as soon as they're ready, rather than waiting.

Mac OS X 10.4 or later.

27-03-10, 22:14
NetNewsWire - 3.2.6

What's new:
This release works with the new Google Reader login APIs.
Added Delibar as another delicious.com client.
Fixed a bug deleting a folder when syncing is on.
Added updated French localization.
Changed Webnote Happy to just Webnote. (Because the app name changed.)
ctrl-cmd-D now works for dictionary lookups in web pages.
Fixed a memory use bug when exporting all news items as HTML archive files from the preferences window.
The application is now code-signed. With releases after this one, you shouldn't be asked to authorize keychain access.
Fixed a bug where some toolbar icons would appear purple, when inactive, with people who have custom ColorSync calibrations.

Mac OS X 10.4 or later.