
Visualizza Versione Completa : Installata Ram su Imac

09-12-05, 15:41
Ci ha messo solo un giorno!! ecco a voi

1.5 giga di ram per il mio imac....

ora come verificare che sia tutto ok?

ricordo che la ho presa da crucial prima scelta ;) 8)

09-12-05, 15:46
ora come verificare che sia tutto ok?

Non capisco bene cosa intendi per "verificare che sia tutto ok"…
Se ti compare nella finestra "Info su questo Mac" significa che c'è anche nel System Profiler.
Potresti lanciare Monitoraggio Attività e dare un'occhiata anche lì:


09-12-05, 15:52
nunu ovviamente mi son dimenticato un pezzo...

come verificare che non sia ram bacata :???: ;)

09-12-05, 15:55
Ci ha messo solo un giorno!! ecco a voi

1.5 giga di ram per il mio imac....

ora come verificare che sia tutto ok?

ricordo che la ho presa da crucial prima scelta ;) 8)


anch'io dovrei fare lo stesso lavoro. Hai trovato difficoltà ? Qualche consiglio ?


09-12-05, 15:59
vedendo su preferenze di sistema avanzate mi viene fuori:

Dimensioni: 1 GB
Velocità: PC2-3200U-288
Stato: OK

solo che la velocità della ram installata è 5300!!!

come mai?

09-12-05, 16:14
Ho trovato questo: stessa cosa che capita a me...

24/11/2005 07:46 PM
One week on and I noticed in System Profiler that the memory speed of my added RAM is listed as PC2-3200U-288. That didn't look right (although the Status is OK). Surely it should be PC2-4200 (even though it's a PC2-5300 module)? Why didn't I notice that before?

Crucial reckoned that PC2-3200 was the speed of the built-in RAM and that the new RAM was setting its speed according to that. But the iMac is supposed to use PC2-4200 (the built-in RAM speed is not listed so I can't confirm). I posted to Apple Support Discussions and sure enough someone confirmed that the speed of their added Crucial PC2-4200 was showing up properly.

Dammit! Did Apple short-change me on the RAM speed? Surely not. Was there a fault with the RAM I added (everything seems to be working fine)? It was bugging me.

The only way to know for certain would be to buy another module (this time the correct one) and replace the first one. If it shows up as PC2-4200, then there's something wrong with the first one and Crucial should take it back and refund me. If it shows up as PC2-3200 then Crucial are right and Apple have installed slower built-in RAM and I shall have to try to sell an unwanted PC2-5300 module on eBay. Fortunately Crucial have lowered the price on PC2-4200, but it may transpire that to have had Apple install the additional RAM in the first place, would have been the cheaper option...


09-12-05, 16:32
Ho scritto a crucial:

I have ordered the ram for my imac g5 20" 2.1 Ghz, now I have
installed it but the memory speed of my added RAM is listed as
PC2-3200U-288. That didn't look right (although the Status is OK).
Surely it should be PC2-4200 (even though it's a PC2-5300 module)?

The iMac use PC2-4200!!

My part no. is CT477886 and my order Request is *************

Are you sure that ram shipped is right?

Waiting for your answer

Ho letto che al ragazzo che ha avuto il mio stesso problema la hanno sostituita... ora vediamo un po!!

ma sbaglio o sono SFIGATO :-o

09-12-05, 17:19
Ho spostato in Help, Cazzeggio non era più la sezione adatta :)