
Visualizza Versione Completa : far scomparire la finestra computer all'avvio

21-03-09, 10:24
salve non so come ma da qualche giorno all'avvio di mac os x mi compare sempre la finestra computer.
Come posso farla scomparire .
Grazie Users/francescamoliterno/Desktop/Istantanea 2009-03-21 09-20-27.tiff

21-03-09, 11:03
Users/francescamoliterno/Desktop/Istantanea 2009-03-21 09-20-27.tiff

l'immagine č sulla tua scrivania. ci dai l'acceso al tuo mac per vederla?

21-03-09, 13:26
l'immagine č sulla tua scrivania. ci dai l'acceso al tuo mac per vederla?

21-03-09, 13:31
riavvia, quindi chiudi la finestra e fai subito un log out. (menu mela/logout). vediamo se mantiene le preferenze.

Padmé Amidala
22-03-09, 02:28
Non hai fatto sapere se ha funzionato quanto detto da Flashcream...

se persiste, MacFixit propone alcune soluzioni, a prima vista strane e legate allo sfondo della scrivania:

-cambiare l'immagine della scrivania
Change the desktop background The fix for this problem is to change the desktop background, either by right-clicking a new image and setting it as the background, or perhaps more preferably by using the "Desktop & Screen Saver" system preferences.

-disabilitare la funzione che fa cambiare l' immagine ogni x secondi
Change the method for selecting backgrounds Some affected users have had the computer randomly select from a group of pictures as the desktop, and it may be this random choosing of the image files that causes the finder window to open at login. As such, in addition to just selecting a new desktop users might also try setting it to only one image. It may be that toggling this setting will cure the problem, so after setting it to one image users can try setting it back to a random picture again.

(in Preferenze sistema>Scrivania e salvaschermo>Scrivania
oppure tasto destro del mouse sulla scrivania>Modifica sfondo scrivania)

Ma anche:
... it is recommended for users to try removing startup items, trying new user accounts, and uninstalling any utility or haxie software packages that were recently installed....

26-03-09, 15:49
grazie a tutti!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Non hai fatto sapere se ha funzionato quanto detto da Flashcream...

se persiste, MacFixit propone alcune soluzioni, a prima vista strane e legate allo sfondo della scrivania:

-cambiare l'immagine della scrivania
Change the desktop background The fix for this problem is to change the desktop background, either by right-clicking a new image and setting it as the background, or perhaps more preferably by using the "Desktop & Screen Saver" system preferences.

-disabilitare la funzione che fa cambiare l' immagine ogni x secondi
Change the method for selecting backgrounds Some affected users have had the computer randomly select from a group of pictures as the desktop, and it may be this random choosing of the image files that causes the finder window to open at login. As such, in addition to just selecting a new desktop users might also try setting it to only one image. It may be that toggling this setting will cure the problem, so after setting it to one image users can try setting it back to a random picture again.

(in Preferenze sistema>Scrivania e salvaschermo>Scrivania
oppure tasto destro del mouse sulla scrivania>Modifica sfondo scrivania)

Ma anche:
... it is recommended for users to try removing startup items, trying new user accounts, and uninstalling any utility or haxie software packages that were recently installed....