
Visualizza Versione Completa : Video Monkey per convertire filmati per iTunes

Padmé Amidala
17-03-09, 01:47
Sulle ceneri di Visual Hub e iSquint (, il cui sviluppatore ha ceduto i codici sorgente, è nato Video Monkey ( L'altro progetto opensource si chiama FilmRedux/TranscoderRedux (,


Direi che VideoMonkey in linea di massima fa la stessa cosa di iSquint, per ora, anche se con qualche problema in più (la versione è la 0.1). Ho però letto che è stato riscritto in Cocoa, invece di basarsi sugli Apple Scripts.
L'ho messo alla prova con video di formati diversi (tutti molto corti), che ho convertito in mp4 per iTunes (ipod, iphone, apple TV).

Ha fallito con .flv (la prima volta) e 3gp (due volte), ma ha fatto il suo dovere con mpg, mkv, wmv, avi, dvix, vob, mov e mp4 (lo so, non era necessario per tutti).

C'è la scelta del dispositivo su cui usare i video, la destinazione sul Mac, la qualità, la velocità e le azioni da fare alla fine delle conversioni. Per ora le preferenze e le opzioni avanzate non sono attive.

Come vedete da questo screenshot, lo sviluppatore prevede ben altro per il futuro.

Release Notes For Video Monkey
Version 0.1
This is the first public release of VideoMonkey. It has a lot of functionality, but is not nearly complete.
New in this release:
• Conversion for all popular Apple devices
• Quality settings, which adjusts bitrate, frame size, frame rate and audio quality
• Performance settings which tradeoff speed of encoding for quality
• Drag and drop file list
• Enable or disable encoding of each file
• Display of output file size (approximate)
• Preview window of the currently selected file
• Console log
• Progress bars in both the main window and file list
• Pause and Stop encoding
• Auto-update
• Saving last user settings
To do:
◦ Preferences Panel
◦ More supported devices
◦ Detail pane for both input and output settings
◦ Overall progress in main window
◦ Time remaining display
◦ Advanced pane (crop, pad, filters, etc.)
◦ Trim movie using preview window
◦ Metadata writing
◦ iTunes interface
◦ Watch folder(s) for automatic encoding

17-03-09, 10:43
Grazie per la segnalazione :)

Padmé Amidala
17-04-09, 04:04
Version 0.2

This release focuses on fixing bugs found in the first release and features to complete the basic functionality of Video Monkey.

New in this release:

Added a new XMLDocument class for commands.xml and for use in parsing metadata files
Better aspect ratio control of Movie Preview Window
New Info Panel. Shows properties of input and output files and will eventually allow metadata to be displayed and set
Checkboxes to add encoded files to iTunes, and to optionally delete the original
Disabled not-yet-implemented checkboxes and menu items
Added much better documentation to commands.xml.
Updated to v0.5 of ffmpeg
Tweaked bitrate settings to be more appropriate for various devices
Added time remaining to progress, and made overall progress bar show progress for all files together
Changed save path to use NSPathControl
Added a "limit" checkbox. Allows output params (frame size, bitrate, etc.) to be limited by input properties. Avoids oversampled videos
Fixed encoding params to always produce legal h.264 files for each device

17-04-09, 13:01


Padmé Amidala
17-04-09, 13:07
Oops... thanks

17-04-09, 14:00

Grazie della segnalazione.

Padmé Amidala
28-07-09, 23:38
Videomonkey 0.3

This release adds lots of metadata handling. It shows you the metadata embedded in the input files, lets you add new metadata (either manually or by searching thetvdb or themoviedb). Then you can either write the metadata back to the input file or have it automatically added after the file is encoded.

28-07-09, 23:42
Grazie mille, Padmè. :)

Padmé Amidala
30-07-09, 15:51
Video monkey 0.4

30-07-09, 16:24
Almeno dicessero che cosa è stato corretto o modificato!:???:

Grazie Padmé... riscarico!

Padmé Amidala
30-07-09, 16:48
Mah. Si è scatenato con le spiegazioni sui metadata e sulla ricerca degli stessi...

Followup: RE: Transcode FAILED with error code: 1 (

Sorry to all who hit this bug. I've rolled out a new version, and have named it 0.4 so the autoupdater works. Please download again and you should be fine.

Padmé Amidala
01-09-09, 08:26
Videomonkey 0.5:
New in this release:

Snow Leopard support
Bugs fixed:

Problem converting files with '*' or '?'
VM produces movies that don't play on Apple TV

Padmé Amidala
09-05-10, 21:34
Videomonkey 0.8

Padmé Amidala
29-09-12, 23:05
Nuova versione che richiede Snow Leopard, quindi tenetevi stretta la precedente in caso abbiate un sistema operativo più vecchio. La principale novità è un pannello di impostazioni, che dà maggiori poteri ma anche maggiori possibilità di errori.

Version 0.13:

The big feature in this release is the custom settings panel. Just go to the Output Pane of the File Info Panel and you’ll see several check boxes. Click one and you can adjust that parameter. I’ve tried to make the UI as simple and intuitive as possible. For instance, when you adjust the cropping values, the Movie Panel will reflect them so you know what the final video output will look like.
But remember, with great power comes great responsibility. There are some combinations of settings which will result in videos which will not run on the desired device, such as Apple TV. There may even be combinations which will fail to encode properly at all.
This version is also 64 bit only, which makes it much faster, but requires Snow Leopard to run.

Padmé Amidala
21-10-12, 04:49
Version 0.14:Bugs fixed:

Fixed bad param in Fastest encoding
New version of mediainfo which does not crash when getting info from mp4 files
Selecting an item from the drop down list now fires off a search
Got rid of logic that removed characters from search string typed into search box
Fixed quality slider starting position. It now starts out in the middle rather than near the low quality end


Mac OS X 10.6 or later
64-bit processor

Padmé Amidala
28-10-12, 16:33
Version 0.15:
Bugs fixed:

Made framerate detection much more robust
Switched to 1.0 version of ffmpeg
Added pix_fmt yuv420p for all formats. This format can be read by Quicktime while others cannot.

Mac OS X 10.6 or later
64-bit processor