Visualizza Versione Completa : [Port Forwarding] Ultima, ultimissima spiaggia...

03-03-08, 23:38
Innanzitutto buonasera ragazzi, è il mio primo post su questo forum..
Non vi annoierò con i convenevoli ;)
Ho un disperato bisogno di aiuto e spero me ne darete.. premetto che mi sono documentato, ho letto le guide di portforward.com, ho letto 1000 forum e se ho postato qui credetemi è per una buona causa..

Problema: Port Forwarding
Tipo di errore riscontrato: su Transmission "Port is Stealh" , su Azureus Test NAT Fallito
Configurazione: Router wireless DG834G Netgear, aggiornato all' ultimo firewall, tutte le porte forwardate correttamente, un computer windows su cui è pluggata il wlan adapter della netgear fornito insieme al router, un macbook con tiger ultra aggiornato, firewall del Mac disabilitato.
Descrizione: Il problema è sorto un mese fa.. sarà stata una coincidenza ( riporto per completezza) ma dopo aver installato amule ( e successivamente disinstallato) transmission dal dot verde passa al pallino rosso con la scritta "Port is Stealth", Azureus fallisce i nat test..Le ho provate tutte.. la cosa da pazzi è che il pc con windows funziona alla perfezione e non ho fatto nulla di diverso da quello che ho fatto al mac o.O
Settaggi del router:
-UPnp attivo
-DHCP disattivo(assegno ip statici da preferenze -> network)
-Porte Forwardate sia in tcp che udp verso ( ip statico del mac) e (win)
-Azureus e Transmission hanno abilitata la mappatura automatica delle porte

Ho provato anche a riportare il router alle impostazioni di default ma nulla è cambiato.. sarò eternamente grato a chiunque mi aiuti a far luce sul perchè.. mi sento sconfitto :'(
Grazie ancora, se serve posso postare screen dei settaggi del router


03-03-08, 23:54
Magari l'avevi già visto, ma il tuo router è elencato qui (http://www.azureuswiki.com/index.php/Bad_routers) con i possibili suggerimenti.

04-03-08, 10:09
Grazie Lester, ma il problema è che prima di comportarsi in modo cosi strano non avevo nessun problema.. cosa è cambiato da allora mi domando?
La cosa ancora più strana è che l'altro pc forwarda correttamente (Il test di Azureus da NAT OK), eppure i pc li ho configurati con lo stesso identico modus operandi :'(
Non so neanche che fare.. mi conviene disabilitare l' upnp che dite?
Grazie ancora

05-03-08, 09:02
Ragazzi vi riporto il file di configurazione del mio router, sperando che qualcuno abbia la pazienza di leggerlo e capire cosa non va..
Grazie ancora

# Netgear DG834 Text Format Configure File v0.2
# FW Version V4.01.30
# Usage:
# # value list or syntax
# [index]"variable"=value

#< Wizard >
# English German Italian French
# Australia France Italy Singapore Sweden Switzerland UK Other
#< Basic Settings >
# dhcpc pppoe pppoa ipoa bridge ip pptpc
[20001]"WAN protocol"=pppoa
# 0:off 1:on
[20002]"NAT (Network Address Translation)"=1
# 0:off 1:on
[20003]"NAT (Network Address Translation)"=0
#< PPPoE >
[20103]"Service Name"=
[20104]"Idle Timeout"=0
[20105]"Static IP Address"=
#< PPPoA >
[20203]"Idle Timeout"=0
[20204]"Static IP Address"=
#< Get Dynamically From ISP >
[20301]"Account Name"=
[20302]"Domain Name"=
#< Static IP Address >
[20401]"IP Address"=
[20402]"IP Subnet Mask"=
[20403]"Gateway IP Address"=
#< IP Over ATM (IPoA) >
[20501]"IP Address"=
[20502]"IP Subnet Mask"=
[20503]"Gateway IP Address"=
#< Domain Name Server (DNS) Address >
# 0:off 1:on
[20601]"Use These DNS Servers"=0
[20602]"Primary DNS"=
[20603]"Secondary DNS"=
#< Router MAC Address >
# MAC address
[20701]"Use This MAC Address"=
#< PPTP >
[20803]"Local IP Address"=
[20804]"IP Subnet Mask"=
[20805]"Server IP Address"=
#< ADSL Settings >
[30001]"Multiplexing Method"=0
[30004]"DSL Mode"=MMODE
#< Wireless Settings >
[40001]"Name (SSID)"=Guido e Alfredo
# Africa Asia Australia Canada France Israel Japan Mexico 'South America' USA
# 0 - 14
# 0: g & b 1: b only 3: g only
# 0:off 1:on
[40005]"Enable Wireless Access Point"=1
# 0:off 1:on
[40006]"Allow Broadcast of Name (SSID)"=1
# 0:off 1:on
[40007]"Wireless Isolation"=0
# 0:off 1:wep 2:wpa 3:wpa2_psk 4:wpa_wpa2_pak 5:802.1x 6:wpa2_802.1x 7:wpa+wpa2_802.1x
[40008]"Security Options"=0
#< Wireless Station Access List >
# 0:off 1:on
[40101]"Turn Access Control On"=1
# MAC+name
[40102]"Trusted Wireless Stations"=00:1B:2F:A5:22:7DPCGUIDO
[40102]"Trusted Wireless Stations"=00:1C:B3:C4:8D:16MACCHY
[40102]"Trusted Wireless Stations"=00:19:C5:72:38:40PS3
[40102]"Trusted Wireless Stations"=00:17:FA:4F:91:4DXBOX360
[40102]"Trusted Wireless Stations"=00:02:2D:42:C0:0BNOTEBOOK_DELL
#< WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) >
# 1: Open System 2: Shared Key 3: Automatic
[40201]"Authentication Type"=3
# 0 64 or 128
[40202]"Encryption Strength"=0
# 1 2 3 4
[40203]"Key Index"=1
[40204]"Key 1"=
[40205]"Key 2"=
[40206]"Key 3"=
[40207]"Key 4"=
#< WPA-PSK >
# (8 ~ 64 characters)
[40301]"Network Key"=
#< WPA-802.1x >
[40401]"Radius Server Name/IP Address"=
[40402]"Radius Port"=1812
[40403]"Shared Key"=
#< Advanced Wireless Settings >
[40901]"Enable Wireless Bridging and Repeating"=0
# point:Wireless Point-to-Point Bridge multi:Wireless Point to Multi-Point Bridge reapter:Repeater with Wireless Client Association
[40902]"WDS Mode"=point
# Wireless Point-to-Point Bridge
[40903]"Remote MAC Address"=
# Wireless Point to Multi-Point Bridge
[40904]"Remote MAC Address 1"=
[40905]"Remote MAC Address 2"=
[40906]"Remote MAC Address 3"=
[40907]"Remote MAC Address 4"=
# Repeater with Wireless Client Association
[40908]"Remote MAC Address 1"=
[40909]"Remote MAC Address 2"=
[40910]"Remote MAC Address 3"=
[40911]"Remote MAC Address 4"=
#< Logs >
# 0:off 1:on
[50001]"Attempted access to blocked sites"=1
# 0:off 1:on
[50002]"Connections to the Web-based interface of this Router"=1
# 0:off 1:on
[50003]"Router operation"=1
# 0:off 1:on
[50004]"Known DoS attacks and Port Scans"=1
# 0:Disable 1:Broadcast on LAN 2:Send to Syslog server
[50006]"Send to this Syslog server IP address"=
#< Block Sites >
# 0:Never 1:Always 2:Per Schedule
[60001]"Keyword Blocking"=1
[60002]"Block Sites Containing these Keywords or Domain Names"=
# 0:off 1:on
[60003]"Allow Trusted IP Address to Visit Blocked Sites"=0
[60004]"Trusted IP Address"=
#< Firewall Rules >
# ENABLE: 0=on or 1=off
# SERVICE_NAME: Actual Service in service table
# ACTION: 0:BLOCK always 1:BLOCK by schedule 2:ALLOW always 3:ALLOW by schedule
# LAN: 0/0: Any a.b.c.d: Single Range
# WAN: 0/0: Any a.b.c.d: Single Range
# LOG: 0:Never 1:Always 2: Match 3: Not Match
# ex: 1:Any(ALL):2:
[70001]"Inbound Rule"=1:Transm(TCP):2:
[70001]"Inbound Rule"=1:Colloquy(T):2:
[70001]"Inbound Rule"=1:Transm(UDP):2:
[70001]"Inbound Rule"=1:Transm(TCP):2:
[70001]"Inbound Rule"=1:Colloquy(U):2:
[70001]"Inbound Rule"=1:Colloquy(T):2:
[70001]"Inbound Rule"=1:IRC:2:
# The Same as Inbound Rule
[70002]"Outbound Rule"=
[70003]"Instant Messaging (IM) Ports"=0
#< Services >
# PROTOCOL: tcp udp both all
# ex: Any(TCP):tcp:1-65535
[80001]"Service Table"=Colloquy(T):both:5061-5061
[80001]"Service Table"=Colloquy(U):both:5062-5062
[80001]"Service Table"=Transm(TCP):both:50000-50000
[80001]"Service Table"=Transm(UDP):udp:51000-51000
#< Schedule >
# DAY:START_TIME-END_TIME ex:1111111:00:00-24:00
#< Time Zone >
# UI (-12 ~ GMT ~ +12)
[90101]"Time Zone"=GMTb
# System (GMT+12 ~ GMT-12)
[90102]"Time Zone"=GMT+0
# 0:off 1:on
[90103]"Daylight Savings Time"=
# 0:off 1:on
[90104]"Use this NTP Server"=0
[90105]"NTP Server"=
#< E-mail >
# 0:off 1:on
[100001]"Turn E-mail Notification On"=0
[100002]"Send To This E-mail Address"=
[100003]"Outgoing Mail Server"=
# 0:off 1:on
[100004]"My Mail Server requires authentication"=
[100005]"User Name"=
#< Send E-Mail alerts immediately >
# 0:off 1:on
[100101]"If a DoS attack is detected"=1
# 0:off 1:on
[100102]"If a Port Scan is detected"=1
# 0:off 1:on
[100103]"If someone attempts to access a blocked site"=1
# 0:None 1:When Log is Full 2:Hourly 3:Daily 4:Daily
[100104]"Send Logs According to this Schedule"=2
# 0:off 1:on
[100105]"Send mail when Log is Full"=0
# 0:Sun ~ 6:Sat
# 0 ~ 24
#< Set Password >
# 0 ~ 99
[110003]"Login times out"=5
#< WAN Setup >
# 0:off 1:on
[120001]"Connect Automatically, as Required"=1
# 0:off 0:on
[120002]"Port Scan and DOS Protection"=1
# 0:off 1:on
[120003]"Enable DMZ Server"=0
[120004]"DMZ Server"=
# 0:off 1:on
[120005]"Respond to Ping on Internet WAN Port"=0
[120006]"MTU Size"=1458
# 0:off 1:on
[120007]"Enable PPPoE Relay"=0
#< Dynnamic DNS >
# 0:off 1:on
[130001]"Use a Dynamic DNS Service"=0
[130002]"Host Name"=
[130003]"User Name"=
# 0:off 1:on
[130005]"Use Wildcards"=0
#< LAN IP Setup >
#< LAN TCP/IP Setup >
[140101]"IP Address"=
[140102]"IP Subnet Mask"=
[140103]"Broadcast IP Address"=
# 0:off 1:on
[140104]"Access Router Management Interface on additional port"=0
[140105]"Access LAN Port Number"=8080
#< RIP >
# 0:none in:In Only out:Out Only both:Both
[140201]"RIP Direction"=both
# 1:RIP-1 2B:RIP-2B 2M:RIP-2M
[140202]"RIP Version"=1
#< DHCP Server >
# 0:off 1:on
[140301]"Use Router as DHCP Server"=0
[140302]"Starting IP Address"=
[140303]"Ending IP Address"=
# Name;IP;MAC
[140304]"Address Reservation"=PS3;;00:19:C5:72:38:40
[140304]"Address Reservation"=XBOX360;;00:17:FA:4F:91:4D
[140304]"Address Reservation"=PCGUIDO;;00:1B:2F:A5:22:7D
#< Remote Management >
# 0:off 1:on
[150001]"Turn Remote Management On"=0
# 1:single 2:range 3:everyone
[150002]"Allow Remote Access By"=
[150003]"Only This Computer"=
[150004]"IP Address Range Start"=
[150005]"IP Address Range End"=
[150006]"Port Number"=8080
#< Static Routes >
# Name:Dest_ip:Netmask:Gateway:Metric:Private:Active
#< UPnP >
# 0:off 1:on
[170001]"Turn UPnP On"=1
[170002]"Advertisement Period"=30
[170003]"Advertisement Time To Live"=4
#< VPN >
[180001]"VPN policy"=
#< SNMP >
# 0:off 1:on
[190001]"Turn SNMP On"=0
# 0:off 1:on
[190002]"Disable Local Web Admin Access"=
[190003]"Read Community Name"=
[190004]"System Contact"=
[190005]"System Name"=
[190006]"System Location"=