Visualizza Versione Completa : File *.ppd non trovato

17-07-07, 22:26
Cercando di reinstallare una stampante (o meglio le curve per alcune carte per una determinata stampante, che mi avevano appena spedito), devo avere fatto un poco di confusione e non trova il file *.ppd.
Scusate se vi incollo il log della diagnostica:
**** QuadToneRIP 2.5.1 Diagnostic Script --- Save Output for Analysis ****

************************************************** ******************

Tue Jul 17 22:19:42 CEST 2007

**** System Info ****
Darwin Kernel Version 8.10.0: Wed May 23 16:50:59 PDT 2007; root:xnu-792.21.3~1/RELEASE_PPC

**** Printer Info ****
il pianificatore è in esecuzione
destinazione predefinita di sistema: Quad1290
dispositivo per Quad1290: usb://EPSON/Stylus%20Photo%201290?serial=WORLL0105100815550
dispositivo per Stylus_Photo_1290: ///dev/null
Quad1290 accetta richieste da Tue Jul 17 22:19:37 2007
Stylus_Photo_1290 accetta richieste da Tue Jul 17 21:58:16 2007
la stampante Quad1290 è in attesa. abilitata da Tue Jul 17 22:19:37 2007
la stampante Stylus_Photo_1290 è in attesa. abilitata da Tue Jul 17 21:58:16 2007

**** QTR Programs ****
Quad.pm* qcurve* qgamma* qmerge* quadcurves*
qacv* qdensity* qgraph* qpart* quadprofile*
qacvraw* qdiff* qlimit* qplot*
qadd* qdotgain* qline* qspline*

quadtoneprint* quadtoprinter*

**** Plugin Programs ****
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 3 lucaghed lucaghed 102 Aug 12 2004 QuadTone.plugin
drwxr-xr-x 3 lucaghed lucaghed 102 Aug 12 2004 QuadTone_2.1.plugin
drwxr-xr-x 3 lucaghed lucaghed 102 Aug 12 2004 QuadTone_2.3.1.plugin
drwxr-xr-x 3 lucaghed admin 102 May 23 2006 QuadTone_2.4.plugin

**** QTR Printer Descriptions ****
escp2-10000-quad.ppd.gz escp2-860-quad.ppd.gz
escp2-1160-quad.ppd.gz escp2-870-quad.ppd.gz
escp2-1200-quad.ppd.gz escp2-890-quad.ppd.gz
escp2-1270-quad.ppd.gz escp2-9000-quad.ppd.gz
escp2-1280-quad.ppd.gz escp2-9500-quad.ppd.gz
escp2-1290-quad.ppd.gz escp2-9600-quad.ppd.gz
escp2-2000-quad.ppd.gz escp2-980-quad.ppd.gz
escp2-2100-quad.ppd.gz escp2-9800-quad.ppd.gz
escp2-2200-quad.ppd.gz escp2-EX-quad.ppd.gz
escp2-3000-quad.ppd.gz escp2-R1800-quad.ppd.gz
escp2-3800-quad.ppd.gz escp2-R200-quad.ppd.gz
escp2-4000-quad.ppd.gz escp2-R220-quad.ppd.gz
escp2-4800-quad.ppd.gz escp2-R2400-quad.ppd.gz
escp2-7000-quad.ppd.gz escp2-R300-quad.ppd.gz
escp2-7500-quad.ppd.gz escp2-R320-quad.ppd.gz
escp2-7600-quad.ppd.gz escp2-R340-quad.ppd.gz
escp2-7800-quad.ppd.gz escp2-R800-quad.ppd.gz

**** QTR Profiles ****

**** USB connections ****
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 66688 Feb 14 17:36 /usr/libexec/cups/backend/usb
direct usb://EPSON/Stylus%20Photo%201290?serial=WORLL0105100815550 "EPSON Stylus Photo 1290" "EPSON Stylus Photo 1290 USB" "SERN:WORLL0105100815550;MFG:EPSON;CMD:ESCPL2,BDC,D 4;MDL:Stylus Photo 1290;CLS:PRINTER;DES:EPSON Stylus Photo 1290;"

**** CUPS Info ****
I [17/Jul/2007:22:16:44 +0200] Cleaning out old temporary files in "/private/var/spool/cups/tmp"...
I [17/Jul/2007:22:16:44 +0200] Configured for up to 100 clients.
I [17/Jul/2007:22:16:44 +0200] Allowing up to 100 client connections per host.
I [17/Jul/2007:22:16:44 +0200] Using policy "default" as the default!
I [17/Jul/2007:22:16:44 +0200] Full reload is required.
I [17/Jul/2007:22:16:44 +0200] Loaded MIME database from '/private/etc/cups': 49 types, 50 filters...
E [17/Jul/2007:22:16:44 +0200] PPD file for Quad1290 cannot be loaded!
E [17/Jul/2007:22:16:44 +0200] Stringa di parola chiave opzionale non consentita on line 187.
I [17/Jul/2007:22:16:44 +0200] Hint: Run "cupstestppd /private/etc/cups/ppd/Quad1290.ppd" and fix any errors.
I [17/Jul/2007:22:16:44 +0200] Loading job cache file "/private/var/spool/cups/cache/job.cache"...
I [17/Jul/2007:22:16:44 +0200] Full reload complete.
I [17/Jul/2007:22:18:10 +0200] Listening to ::1:631 (IPv6)
I [17/Jul/2007:22:18:10 +0200] Listening to (IPv4)
I [17/Jul/2007:22:18:10 +0200] Listening to /private/var/run/cupsd (Domain)
I [17/Jul/2007:22:18:10 +0200] Loaded configuration file "/private/etc/cups/cupsd.conf"
I [17/Jul/2007:22:18:10 +0200] Using default TempDir of /private/var/spool/cups/tmp...
I [17/Jul/2007:22:18:10 +0200] Cleaning out old temporary files in "/private/var/spool/cups/tmp"...
I [17/Jul/2007:22:18:10 +0200] Configured for up to 100 clients.
I [17/Jul/2007:22:18:10 +0200] Allowing up to 100 client connections per host.
I [17/Jul/2007:22:18:10 +0200] Using policy "default" as the default!
I [17/Jul/2007:22:18:10 +0200] Full reload is required.
I [17/Jul/2007:22:18:10 +0200] Loaded MIME database from '/private/etc/cups': 49 types, 50 filters...
E [17/Jul/2007:22:18:10 +0200] PPD file for Quad1290 cannot be loaded!
E [17/Jul/2007:22:18:10 +0200] Stringa di parola chiave opzionale non consentita on line 187.
I [17/Jul/2007:22:18:10 +0200] Hint: Run "cupstestppd /private/etc/cups/ppd/Quad1290.ppd" and fix any errors.
I [17/Jul/2007:22:18:10 +0200] Loading job cache file "/private/var/spool/cups/cache/job.cache"...
I [17/Jul/2007:22:18:10 +0200] Full reload complete.
I [17/Jul/2007:22:18:10 +0200] Listening to on fd 6...
I [17/Jul/2007:22:18:10 +0200] Listening to /private/var/run/cupsd on fd 7...
E [17/Jul/2007:22:19:29 +0200] CUPS-Delete-Printer: Unauthorized
I [17/Jul/2007:22:19:29 +0200] Printer "Quad1290" deleted by "root".
I [17/Jul/2007:22:19:29 +0200] Saving printers.conf...
E [17/Jul/2007:22:19:37 +0200] CUPS-Add-Modify-Printer: Unauthorized
I [17/Jul/2007:22:19:37 +0200] Saving printers.conf...
I [17/Jul/2007:22:19:37 +0200] New printer "Quad1290" added by "root".
I [17/Jul/2007:22:19:37 +0200] Setting Quad1290 device-uri to "usb://EPSON/Stylus%20Photo%201290?serial=WORLL0105100815550" (was "file:/dev/null".)
I [17/Jul/2007:22:19:37 +0200] Saving printers.conf...
I [17/Jul/2007:22:19:37 +0200] Printer "Quad1290" modified by "root".
I [17/Jul/2007:22:19:37 +0200] Saving printers.conf...
I [17/Jul/2007:22:19:37 +0200] Printer "Quad1290" modified by "root".
I [17/Jul/2007:22:19:37 +0200] Setting Quad1290 printer-is-accepting-jobs to 1 (was 0.)
I [17/Jul/2007:22:19:37 +0200] Setting Quad1290 printer-state to 3 (was 5.)
I [17/Jul/2007:22:19:37 +0200] Saving printers.conf...
I [17/Jul/2007:22:19:37 +0200] Printer "Quad1290" modified by "root".
E [17/Jul/2007:22:19:37 +0200] CUPS-Add-Modify-Printer: Unauthorized
E [17/Jul/2007:22:19:37 +0200] PPD file for Quad1290 cannot be loaded!
E [17/Jul/2007:22:19:37 +0200] Stringa di parola chiave opzionale non consentita on line 187.
I [17/Jul/2007:22:19:37 +0200] Hint: Run "cupstestppd /private/etc/cups/ppd/Quad1290.ppd" and fix any errors.
I [17/Jul/2007:22:19:37 +0200] Saving printers.conf...
I [17/Jul/2007:22:19:37 +0200] Printer "Quad1290" modified by "root".

************************************************** ******************

**** QuadToneRIP Diagnostic Script --- Save Output for Analysis ****

************************************************** ******************

I dati sono: iMac G5, Tiger 10.4.10, stampante Epson 1290 pilotata con il rip di stampa QuadToneRip.
Ho riparato i permessi, reinstallato il cups.
Grazie e buona serata

18-07-07, 17:43
ci sono novità?

senza darti una risposta certa (che non ho) proverei a disinstallare i driver,
(immagino che l'installer dei driver abbia funzioni anche di unistaller, altrimenti ne parliamo sul come fare) poi a reimpostare il sistema di stampa in utility configurazione stampanti. quindi ad installare i driver.

per curiosità in libreria/printers/epson trovi fisicamente il file ppd?

prova i gutenprint 5.1.2 (ex gimp) come driver, invece che gli epson:
http://gimp-print.sourceforge.net/MacOSX.php3 se non sei soddisfatto li rimuovi senza problemi.

18-07-07, 19:25
Risolto, dopo una mezza giornata passata a disinstallare e reinstallare drivers e stampanti...... :-(
More info: http://www.photoactivity.com/forum/Forum.html