
Visualizza Versione Completa : Roxio Crunch

09-05-07, 19:03
Roxio Crunch™ is the essential video converter for your Apple TV, iPod, and iPhone. Take your video in to the living room or the palm of your hands fast and simple. Roxio Crunch is a one-stop shop for all of your video conversion needs. Batch export will make your life even simpler: converted video will be automatically added to iTunes for syncing. Don’t just convert it, Crunch it!

traduco e sintetizzo:

converte da DV, AVI, MOV, MPEG-4, MPEG-2, DivX, DVD-Video e altri formati.

aggiunge i video convertiti automaticamente alla libreria di itunes ai fini di una semplice sincronizzazione con appletv, ipod o iphone. (iphone!). costa 40 USD.
