Visualizza Versione Completa : VMware Fusion

13-04-07, 00:13
Nuovo virtualizzatore per mac in versione beta, scaricabile da Qui (http://www.vmware.com/products/beta/fusion/), introduce il supporto 3D per alcuni giochi directx 8.1
l'ho installato e devo dire che funziona bene, ancora non ho testato la nuova funzione 3d.


ciao :)

Padmé Amidala
15-11-08, 09:17
Versione 2.0.1 (http://www.vmware.com/download/fusion/)


Padmé Amidala
12-02-09, 09:23
Versione 2.0.2 (http://www.vmware.com/download/fusion/)

What's New

VMware Fusion 2.0.2 is a maintenance release of VMware Fusion 2. It is a free upgrade for all VMware Fusion 1 and VMware Fusion 2 customers, and has the following enhancements:

Allows importing Windows virtual machines from both Parallels Desktop 4.0 and Parallels Server for Mac.
Supports mounting unencrypted .dmg file format as a CD/DVD disk image, in addition to .iso file format.
Supports Mac OS X 10.5.6 as a host operating system.
Provides experimental support for Mac OS X Server 10.5.6 as a guest operating system.
Supports Ubuntu 8.10 as a guest operating system, including features such as VMware Tools with prebuilt kernel modules, Easy Install, and Unity.
Ships with a 12-month complimentary subscription to McAfee VirusScan Plus 2009 antivirus software, with localization support for French, German, Italian, Spanish, Simplified Chinese, and Japanese.
Provides performance improvements when browsing mirrored folders and shared folders in Windows virtual machines.
Supports display of Windows applications in Unity view as 48 pixel x 48 pixel icons.
Resolves issues with "Optimize for Mac OS application performance" preference option for Mac OS X 10.5.5 and later.
Contains bug fixes described in Resolved Issues (http://www.vmware.com/support/fusion2/doc/releasenotes_fusion_202.html#resolvedissues).
Note: Two .dmg files of VMware Fusion are available for download. One contains McAfee VirusScan Plus, the other does not. Download either based on your download preferences.

12-02-09, 12:52
Versione 2.0.2 (http://www.vmware.com/download/fusion/)

a me questo aggiornamento sta dando problemi con l'installazione delle VMware Tools :muro


Padmé Amidala
03-04-09, 06:30
Vmware fusion 2.0.3

*Resolves an issue where driverless printing stops working for users that run Mac OS X 10.5.6, and installed Apple Mac OS X Security Update 2009-001. The shared printers would disappear from Windows. If you configured your printer differently as a workaround, turn on driverless printing feature again by clicking Virtual Machine > Settings, selecting Printers, and selecting the Enabled check box.
*Provides experimental support for Mac OS X Snow Leopard Server as a guest operating system. You can now run the current Snow Leopard Server builds (32-bit kernel) in a virtual machine.
*Resolves an issue with driverless printing, where the Enabled check box on Virtual Machine > Settings > Printers might get deselected automatically.

Padmé Amidala
10-04-09, 11:19
Versione 2.0.4 (http://www.vmware.com/download/fusion/)

Ecco le release notes:

What's New

VMware Fusion 2.0.4 is a maintenance release of VMware Fusion 2. It is a free upgrade for all VMware Fusion 1 and VMware Fusion 2 customers, and has the fix for the following critical security issue:

Host code execution vulnerability from a guest operating system
A critical vulnerability in the virtual machine display function might allow a guest operating system to run code on the host. The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project (cve.mitre.org) has assigned the name CVE-2009-1244 (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2009-1244) to this issue.

Padmé Amidala
24-06-09, 04:48
VMware Fusion 2.0.5 (http://www.vmware.com/download/fusion/) is a maintenance release of VMware Fusion 2. It is a free upgrade for all VMware Fusion 1 and VMware Fusion 2 customers, and provides the following enhancements:

Supports Mac OS X Server guest operating systems on Macs with Intel Xeon 5500 and 3500 Series processors (based on Nehalem micro-architecture)
Provides experimental support for Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard Server as a guest operating system (32-bit only)
Provides experimental support for Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard as a host operating system (32-bit only)
Supports Ubuntu 9.04 as a guest operating system, including features such as VMware Tools pre-built modules and Easy Install
Reduces CPU usage when a virtual machine is idle under VMware Fusion
Contains fixes for more than 80 bugs

24-06-09, 05:12
Grazie della segnalazione, Padmè.
Ma perchè il titolo del topic parla ancora di VMware Fusion come di una beta?

24-06-09, 11:55
Grazie della segnalazione, Padmè.
Ma perchè il titolo del topic parla ancora di VMware Fusion come di una beta?

Appena modificato.

Padmé Amidala
24-09-09, 21:52
Version 2.0.6b1: fixes the following problems:

Mouse losing focus on Snow Leopard hosts

Driverless printing fails after an upgrade install of Mac OS X Snow Leopard or Snow Leopard Software Update VMware Fusion 2 claims to be unlicensed after upgrading to Snow Leopard
Fix corrupt Windows application icons in Unity on Snow Leopard hosts
Slow 3D graphics on Macs with NVIDIA graphics cards running Snow Leopard
Installation would fail in some cases due to permissions problems
Sound would stop playing after virtual machine is resumed

25-09-09, 17:00
Version 2.0.6b1: fixes the following problems:

Ciao, attenzione però perché si tratta di una versione beta, che tra le altre cose non risolve quasi nulla di quanto dichiara.

Sul sito ufficiale non è infatti disponibile nessun file se non come link su alcune discussione del forum di supporto ogni volta che un utente lamenta problemi con Snow Leopard.

Attualmente l'unica versione disponibile è la 2.0.5 (173382)

Padmé Amidala
02-10-09, 12:10
Versione 2.0.6 http://www.vmware.com/download/fusion/
VMware Fusion 2.0.6 is a maintenance release of VMware Fusion 2. It is a free upgrade for all VMware Fusion 1 and VMware Fusion 2 customers, and provides the following enhancements:

Fixes multiple issues when running VMware Fusion 2.0.x on Mac OS X Snow Leopard (32-bit kernel mode)
Provides improved 3D performance on Macs with NVIDIA graphics cards running Mac OS X 10.6
Contains fixes for more than 20 bugs

This release resolves the following issues:

Kernel denial of service vulnerability
An integer overflow vulnerability in the vmx86 kernel extension allows for a denial of service by an unprivileged user.
The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project (cve.mitre.org) has assigned the name CVE-2009-3282 to this issue.
Kernel code execution vulnerability
An ioctl vulnerability in the vmx86 kernel extension allows for executing arbitrary code in the kernel context by an unprivileged user.
The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project (cve.mitre.org) has assigned the name CVE-2009-3281 to this issue.
VMware Fusion displays licensing error despite valid license after upgrading to Mac OS X 10.6
After upgrading to Mac OS X 10.6, VMware Fusion might display the following error message:
This copy of VMware Fusion is not yet licensed
Driverless printing does not work correctly in Mac OS X 10.6
After upgrading to Mac OS X 10.6, the driverless printing software that VMware Fusion uses might print unintelligible output.
File icons are displayed incorrectly on Mac OS X 10.6
On Mac OS X 10.6 host operating systems, the icons for files that open in a Windows application might be displayed incorrectly.

Una lunga lista di bugs ancora esistenti e delle soluzioni provvisorie o workaround


Padmé Amidala
27-10-09, 15:22
VMware Fusion 3.0 | 27 OCT 2009 | Build 204229

04-12-09, 02:44
Ciao ragazzi, senza che apro un nuovo post vi espongo direttamente qua la problematica in questione in merito al programma in questione.

In poche parole ho installato un sistema operativo (wind xp pro.) e di li, poco dopo i drivers di una pennina usb che riceve il digitale terrestre con relativo programma;

fino qui tutto bene...i drivers sono stati installati e la pennina collegata al filo dell'antenna ha trovato tutti i canali digitali visibili in zona.
Il problema però sorge quando tento di visualizzare un canale(tipo canale 5) in quanto mi rimane il riquadro nero senza farmi visualizzare nulla, la cosa strana però è che se premo il tasto del televideo me lo fa vedere, però il video no!

C'è un motivo in particolare? magari impostazioni di schermo o roba varia :) helpppppppp

04-12-09, 10:40
Ciao ragazzi, senza che apro un nuovo post vi espongo direttamente qua la problematica in questione in merito al programma in questione.

veramente hai sbagliato topic e forum. i motivi? i soliti: questo non è un topic di aiuto e il forum per scelta non si occupa di win. aggiungo un buon, quanto ovvio, consiglio per il futuro: se non scrivi versione del sistema, dell'applicazione e quant'altro sia significativo neppure mandrake saprebbe risponderti.

11-12-09, 14:42
VMware Fusion - 3.0.1

What's new:
VMware Fusion 3.0.1 is a maintenance release of VMware Fusion 3. It is a free upgrade for all VMware Fusion 3 customers, and provides the following enhancements and fixes: http://www.vmware.com/support/fusion3/doc/releasenotes_fusion_301.html.

Operating System Requirements:
This product is designed to run on the following operating systems:
Mac OS X 10.5 Intel
Mac OS X 10.4 Intel.

16-02-10, 16:26
Avete mai pensato di usare VirtualBox della Sun, non solo sembra essere più veloce ma è anche free, quindi lo potete usare senza problemi e senza usare crack.

cordiali saluti Ivano Monti

16-02-10, 16:40
Avete mai pensato di usare VirtualBox


16-02-10, 16:42
...e senza usare crack.

16-02-10, 21:03
:???: beh dato che di "crack" per macintosh non ne esistono direi di assolvere l'imputato in quanto il fatto non sussiste...
Comunque (crack a parte) si vede che non hai provato vmware (per forza deve aver provato col crack :lol: ) oppure dicci come si fa a collegare periferiche con linux vrtualizzati in virtualbox...

16-02-10, 21:35
beh dato che di "crack" per macintosh non ne esistono direi di assolvere l'imputato in quanto il fatto non sussiste...
Comunque (crack a parte) si vede che non hai provato vmware (per forza deve aver provato col crack :lol: ) oppure dicci come si fa a collegare periferiche con linux vrtualizzati in virtualbox...

No ormai è anni che lavoro con macchine virtuali da partire dal Virtual PC al parrallers, VMFusion e VirtualBox prima di essere acquistata da SUN e non solo esisteva uno che iniziava con la Q su un icona gialla non ricordo il nome, non credo faccia diferenza, essendo sviluppatore conosco i crack per windows e i serial per mac, ma sviluppando sono il primo ad acquistare le licenze per correttezza nei miei confronti in primus.

e in VirtualBox ora arrivata alla 3.1.4 da questa sera puoi fare tutto dalle periferiche alla condivisione ect ect, noi la usiamo per lavorare su sistemi proprietari windows senza voler rinunciare al mac.

prova a scaricare la nuova versione virtualbox http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads, ma ci vuole un buon mac, tanta memoria e mhz per vedere risultati altrimenti e tutto inutile.


17-02-10, 01:17
... esisteva uno che iniziava con la Q
Qemu...ma non è (era?) un gran che...

e in VirtualBox ora arrivata alla 3.1.4 da questa sera puoi fare tutto dalle periferiche alla condivisione ect ect, noi la usiamo per lavorare su sistemi proprietari windows senza voler rinunciare al mac.
interessante, ma con linux :???:

prova a scaricare la nuova versione virtualbox http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads, ma ci vuole un buon mac, tanta memoria e mhz per vedere risultati altrimenti e tutto inutile. quello c'è... :D
L'uso che ne faccio io della virtualizzazione è quasi esclusivamente con linux, più che con winzozz... Naturalmente ho anche winzozz (per la mia collezione degli orrori :lol: ) ma lo uso molto ma molto raramente ed è XP. SVista & C. non li installerò mai, dato che va bene gli orrori, ma il voltastomaco davanti al mac no...; ho letto in giro in diversi blogs e forums anche di altri paesi, che per linux è migliore vmware-fusion, ma è possibile che l'ultima versione di VB abbia apportato delle significative modifiche. Verificherò.


17-02-10, 08:52
Dimenticavo ho un amico che sviluppa in Linux con VirtualBox, usa java o cosa simile su una macchina Windows, mi ha confermato quanto ti ho scritto, non ha problemi di nessun tipo.

Poi bisogna vedere come lo usi tu :-), io ti dico, ho preso un MBPro 17 , 306mhz 4 Gb Rom (1067) e gira una meraviglia con windows 7 (direi un ottimo prodotto rispetto alle versioni precedenti) non ho avuto problemi con dischi esterni, dvd chiavette e altre piccole periferiche, no problem con reti, router, firewall e altro, scrivo codice con visual studio 2008 oltre l'uso quotidiano di RealBasic e ripeto, gira gira gira.

Se mi parli di schede video o audio esterne non saprei mai fatto ne con VirtualBox ne con altri.


17-02-10, 19:25
:-), io ti dico, ho preso un MBPro 17 , 306mhz 4 Gb Rom

Spero che abbia un processore a 3,06 GHz e che sia la RAM (random access memory) da 4GB altrimenti non sarebbe possibile scriverci su (sulla ROM-read only memory).


17-02-10, 19:30
Spero che abbia un processore a 3,06 GHz e che sia la RAM (random access memory) da 4GB altrimenti non sarebbe possibile scriverci su (sulla ROM-read only memory).


Già giusta osservazione e RAM e GHz :smt023 devo stare più attento.

19-02-10, 14:57
VMware Fusion - 3.0.2


What's new in this version:
VMware Fusion 3.0.2 is a maintenance release of VMware Fusion 3. It is a free upgrade for all VMware Fusion 3 customers, and provides the following fix:
Fixes a problem so that the latest release of Mac OS X 10.6 Server (Snow Leopard) can run in a virtual machine.

Operating System Requirements:
This product is designed to run on the following operating systems:
Mac OS X 10.5 Intel
Mac OS X 10.4 Intel.

Padmé Amidala
26-05-10, 07:19
Vmware fusion 3.1


Padmé Amidala
02-09-10, 00:48
Version 3.1.1:
VMware Fusion 3.1.1 is a maintenance release that resolves the following issues and adds new support. It is a free upgrade for all VMware Fusion 3.x users.

VMware vSphere 4.1 is now supported as a guest operating system. VMware Certified Professionals (VCPs) and virtualization experts can use VMware vSphere 4.1 to install the latest server virtualization software and experiment with server setup, conduct training, show demos, and test production configurations. Running ESX as a guest eliminates the need to have spare hardware available to run ESX natively and enables ESX to run on systems that are not listed on the ESX hardware compatibility list (HCL). For more information on the supported processors and host operating systems, see see Considerations for Running an ESX Guest.
This feature is intended for educational and demonstration purposes only and should not be used in production environments. To use this feature, you must download vSphere 4.1 from the VMware Web site and follow the installation documentation provided with VMware vSphere to install ESX.

For more information on VMware vSphere, see http://www.vmware.com/products/vsphere/.

Resolves an issue around accessing some iSight cameras.
Resolves an issue where an incorrect disk error message appeared after a host crash occurs while working in a virtual machine.
Resolves an issue where audio recording failed when the recording device output was not 44.1 kHz.

Padmé Amidala
04-12-10, 15:00
Version 3.1.2:
This release resolves the following issues:

The error Could not publish or run one or more applications. occurs when resuming a virtual machine that has DivX Player installed in the guest.
Slingbox Slingplayer does not display video in the guest when 3D acceleration is enabled. In addition, very high CPU usage occurs if the guest is set to 1 core.
Microsoft Office applications do not display as the frontmost window when they are launched in Unity view.
Sound volume in the guest operating system is reduced after upgrading to Fusion 3.1. The volume observed through the host is not consistent with the guest volume setting.
In a Windows XP guest, if you connect a handheld device to the host, the handshake application might time out or stop responding due to unhandled USB disable requests.
While the virtual machine is running, if you switch from full screen mode to single window mode, the virtual machine window disappears and the light underneath the Fusion icon disappears as well. Fusion stops responding if you restart after this issue occurs.
The guest operating system might fail with a blue screen and the error Multiple IRP Complete Requests if you access a file or folder two or more folders deep into a VMware Shared Folder and are running applications, such as Microsoft Office Powerpoint or Project, that use the byte range locks file system feature.
Samsung Galaxy S phone with Android 2.1 does not work with Fusion. The phone does not appear in the virtual machine.
Guest software might use CPUID information to determine characteristics of underlying (virtual or physical) CPU hardware. In some instances, CPUID information returned by virtual hardware will differ from the responses physical hardware might report. Based on these differences, certain pieces of guest software might not behave as expected. In this release, this fix causes certain CPUID responses to more closely match the responses that physical hardware might return.
If you run Outlook 2007 in Unity mode, the Outlook dock icon might flash, or briefly quit and restart. When this happens the Outlook window also disappears and then reappears.
Mac OS X Server guests might intermittently fail to boot, displaying a stop symbol on a gray screen shortly after powering on.
Additionally, this release resolves the following security-related issues:

The way temporary files are handled by the mounting process could result in a race condition. This issue could allow a local user on the host to elevate their privileges. Windows-based host systems are not affected.
vmware-mount, which is a SUID binary, has a flaw in the way libraries are loaded. This issue could allow local users on the host to execute arbitrary shared object files with root privileges. Windows-based host systems are not affected.
A vulnerability in the input validation of VMware Tools update allows for injection of commands. This issue could allow a user on the host to execute commands on the guest operating system with root privileges. The issue can only be exploited if VMware Tools is not fully up-to-date. Windows-based virtual machines are not affected.

04-12-10, 15:17
Hai dimenticato che si aggiunge la compatibilità con il kernel di ubuntu maverick (e di fedora 14, aggiungo io perché l'ho provata...). Mica esiste solo la vrtualizzazione di winzozz nella vita:wink: