
Visualizza Versione Completa : Planbook. Software for Teachers

21-01-07, 11:49
L'ho provato e mi sembra un buon prodotto. Lo segnalo a chi si muove intorno al mondo della formazione, credo possa essere abbastanza utile.

Gone are the days of a traditional paper lesson plan book. This software enables teachers to maintain their paper plan book in a digital form. Planbook allows you to enter information about your lesson plans, attach files used in class directly to your lessons, print nicely formatted user-defined reports, publish lessons directly to the web and search for topics taught in class. Planbook will let you reclaim all those hours spent pushing bits of paper from file folder to file folder, preparing assignments for absentee students and searching for long lost handouts and will help you do what you love: Teach! (and maybe, just maybe, get home by 6pm on a weeknight!)

Mac 4 Life
21-01-07, 19:09
Grazie Floyd per la segnalazione. :)

Lo metterņ alla prova. :smt039