
Visualizza Versione Completa : Vuze Azureus (Aggiornamenti)

14-01-07, 10:51

al momento l'aggiornamento si scarica solo attraverso la funzione di aggiornamento automatico del programma.


14-01-07, 11:30
:) ..Grazie flash.....

14-01-07, 14:33
grazie! :)

14-01-07, 14:34

14-01-07, 16:02
scaricato e "stressato" un a volte mi si incarta tutto :???: che non riesco nemmeno farci l'uscita forzata. Prima non mi accadeva. I file scaricati da azureus vanno in un lacie esterno può dipendere da questo?
(hd formattato Ntfs)

14-01-07, 16:04
beh, su un disco ntfs non ci scrivi con mac os X.... vedi tu.

14-01-07, 18:18
perchè ho scritto ntfs? mi sono rincitrullito...volevo dire mac os esteso (jurnaed)

14-01-07, 18:47
Stamani mi si è aggiornato da solo; mi pare, però, che si sia appesantito.

14-01-07, 22:26
Io sono molto ignorante in materia, ma azureus mi inchioda tutto spesso e volentieri :???:

14-01-07, 22:59
Io sono molto ignorante in materia, ma azureus mi inchioda tutto spesso e volentieri :???:
anche a me ha creato problemi.. e alla fine, anche se mi piacva sono dovuto passare a BitTorrent

07-04-07, 10:52
Azureus BitTorrent Client -

What's new in this version:
FEATURE: Core | Option to clear stored tracker list used for creating torrents [amc1]
FEATURE: UI | Option to add full UPnP debug information to the log view [amc1]
BUGFIX: UI | Fixed issue where excessive file checks were being done when generating the torrent context menu [amc1]
FEATURE: Message boxes that are related to content now display a thumbnail
BUGFIX: "Currently Downloading" section of Home tab sometimes stopped drawing itself
BUGFIX: Password prompt (if option enabled) when restoring from system tray
BUGFIX: 2nd line of progress column no long displays "ETA" when non ETA info is shown
BUGFIX: Content in error state should be resumable now (once the user fixes the cause of the error)
This product is designed to run on the following operating systems:
Mac OS X 10.0
Mac OS X 10.1
Mac OS X 10.2
Mac OS X 10.3
Mac OS X 10.3.9
Mac OS X 10.4 PPC
Mac OS X 10.4 Intel

07-04-07, 11:06
Grazie... procedo :)

buona pasqua a tutti....

Edit: opps....."The requested URL /sourceforge/azureus/Azureus_3.0.1.0_OSX.dmg was not found on this server."

07-04-07, 11:56
Consiglio: conviene aggiornare direttamente da Azureus, visto che sfrutta i torrent per la distribuzione degli aggiornamenti :wink:

07-04-07, 14:21
grazie avrobay!

Consiglio: conviene aggiornare direttamente da Azureus, visto che sfrutta i torrent per la distribuzione degli aggiornamenti :wink:

grazie :smt023

08-04-07, 08:13
Una parolina di warning: NON scaricate/utilizzate Azureus 3 (ora Vuze, ex Zudeo).
Tenetevi il buon vecchio 2.5, funziona benissimo e non ha "stranezze" al proprio interno.

08-04-07, 08:57
Un amico tempo addietro aveva usato la beta del 3 e aveva avuto un sacco di probleimi.

08-04-07, 09:04
Un amico tempo addietro aveva usato la beta del 3 e aveva avuto un sacco di probleimi.
In particolare sembra che abbia fatto la fine di BitTorrent, venduto al nemico (MPAA)... Meglio evitare

17-04-07, 20:58
Azureus BitTorrent Client -

(faccio presente che se lo chiamassero vuze, sarebbe meglio.... e come TC sconsiglio, ma per dovere di cronaca, riporto l'aggiornamento.... :D)

08-12-07, 15:04
Azureus -

FEATURE: Core | Reconnect to peers after unexpected disconnect / recover stats of recently disconnected peers [Parg,The 8472]
FEATURE: Core | Global download speed limit can also limit the number of outgoing requests, this should improve TCP performance [The 8472]
-does not work with auto-speed since an explicit download speed-limit must be set
-downloads from as few peers as possible when the global limit is reached
-prioritizes downloads which are on the head of the queue
FEATURE: Core | IP binding now provides primitive round-robin load balancing for users with multiple internet connections; accepts interface names and IPv6 binding (if supported on the platform) [The 8472]
FEATURE: Core | Embed ChangeLog.txt in release jar [Nolar]
FEATURE: UI | Column menu option to automatically put contents of cell into the tooltip [amc1]
FEATURE: UI | Piece distribution view is now also available as a peer subview [The 8472]
FEATURE: UI | Added 'time remaining' column to peers view [Parg]
FEATURE: UI | Added option to suppress file download dialog [khai]
FEATURE: UI | Various progress reports have been unified; main status bar can display progress for certain processes now [khai]
FEATURE: Plug | Plugins can now change the color of rows [amc1]
FEATURE: Plug | Plugins can add configuration colour parameters [amc1]

CHANGE: Core | Attempt to re-open a file when access fails to try and recover from a transient error [Parg]
CHANGE: Core | Auto speed default is now the new 'beta' (v2) algorithm [ranul]
CHANGE: Core | Revised piece picking code to deal better with some edge cases and snubbed peers [The 8472]
CHANGE: Core | Share Ratio/min Seeds ignore rule now applies even when no tracker scrape is available [The 8472]
CHANGE: UI | Added private torrent indicator to the general tab [The 8472]
CHANGE: UI | Logging Consoles now have regex-based filters [The 8472]
CHANGE: UI | Tweaked table views to use a bit less memory and run better when items are being quickly removed/added [TuxPaper]

BUGFIX: UI | Don't hang UI redraw if file access is slow [Parg]
BUGFIX: UI | Fixed inconsistencies in the Torrent Open Dialog related to renaming and retargeting files and directories [The 8472]

09-12-07, 18:56
uhm io ho ancora la versione 2.5 che va benissimo, perché avevo letto qui il consiglio di non consiglio è ancora valido?

09-12-07, 19:13
uhm io ho ancora la versione 2.5 che va benissimo, perché avevo letto qui il consiglio di non consiglio è ancora valido?

se apri azureus si aggiorna da solo ed in particolare si aggiornano il "motore" e i plugin alla versione ultima possibile.... che è quello che conta veramente.
aggiorna solo con la sua funzione automatica.


09-12-07, 19:17
quindi lo aggiorno quando me lo chiede? finora gli dicevo di no......

09-12-07, 19:25
si, aggiorna tranquilla. quello che non devi fare è scaricare l'applicazione dal sito, ma aggiornare con la funzione automatica puoi e devi farlo.

(volendo si può scaricare anche il vuze attuale, ma poi è necessario o obbligatorio, dipende dai punti di vista, cambiargli l'interfaccia grafica)

09-12-07, 19:28
^^ Anch'io ero indeciso... non è che ci sono i problemi con la... concorrenza citati da TC?

09-12-07, 19:30
si, aggiorna tranquilla. quello che non devi fare è scaricare l'applicazione dal sito, ma aggiornare con la funzione automatica puoi e devi farlo.

(volendo si può scaricare anche il vuze attuale, ma poi è necessario o obbligatorio, dipende dai punti di vista, cambiargli l'interfaccia grafica)

grazie sei fantastico :fioriperte:

09-12-07, 19:38
^^ Anch'io ero indeciso... non è che ci sono i problemi con la... concorrenza citati da TC?

posso dirti che il mio 2.5 aggiornato nel tempo e anche ieri a 3.0.4 (+ relativi plugin) funziona molto bene. di particolari problemi di privacy e/o di sicurezza non sono al corrente. (io, poi magari ci sono e non lo so).

09-12-07, 19:39
Se può esservi utile...
La versione precedente, usata tutti i giorni, non mi ha dato mai problemi. Da stamani, ho lasciato aperta quest'ultima...finora è tutto regolare.
Ho aggiornato con la funzione automatica.

09-12-07, 19:41
^^ Grazie a entrambi :) In effetti, avevo riletto il post di flash ed ho appena aggiornato.

09-12-07, 20:31
^^ Anch'io ero indeciso... non è che ci sono i problemi con la... concorrenza citati da TC?
Aggiorna tranquillo: come ha già detto Flash il problema non è con il core di Azureus ma con le nuove versioni dell'intero programma... Personalmente non rilevo alcun problema con il core 3.0.4, scarica sempre alla grande (tranne i torrent che mi passa qualcuno sottobanco, ma questa è un'altra storia... :lol:)

09-12-07, 20:42
scarica sempre alla grande (tranne i torrent che mi passa qualcuno sottobanco, ma questa è un'altra storia... :lol:)

quante storie per un minuscolo flop in un oceano di perle :lol:

09-12-07, 20:48
quante storie per un minuscolo flop in un oceano di perle :lol:

23-12-07, 13:37

FEATURE: UI | Added "Check Files Exist" menu option [amc1]
FEATURE: Plug | Perform low resource usage tracking of online torrents for swarm cross-population purposes [Parg]

CHANGE: Core | Added option to disable download speed focus [The 8472]
CHANGE: Core | Reduced memory usage for many-torrent instances [The 8472]
CHANGE: UI | Multiple selected torrent export now works [amc1]

BUGFIX: Core | Fixed IP filters not working when ALLOW instead of DENY was used [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core | Improve rebuffering behaviour when real-time pieces are too slow for any peers to get in time [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core | Ensure minimum buffer requirements are factored into ETA calculation [Parg]
BUGFIX: UI | Eliminated various memory leaks [The 8472]

Aggiornamento da funzione automatica.

07-03-08, 01:31
Azureus Vuze

FEATURE: Core | Added uTorrent PEX support [amc1]
FEATURE: Core | Azureus probes trackers for UDP-capabilities on first scrape/announce now and uses udp instead of http where available [The 8472]
FEATURE: Core | Added option to enforce IP bindings even when the specified interfaces are not available (useful when Azureus should not use certain network interfaces) [The 8472]
FEATURE: Core | Intervene with http seeds if progressive stall imminent [Parg]
FEATURE: Core | Message user on startup if they have installed Azureus to read-only location [Parg]
FEATURE: Core | Added dnd status to XML stats [Parg]
FEATURE: UI | Added option for "Open Containing Folder" menu action - which may integrate better with non-standard file browsers [amc1]
FEATURE: UI | Added option for "Show Torrent Menu" -- Users can now decide to see the Torrent menu in the menubar or not [knguyen]
FEATURE: UI | Fast Renaming (not moving) in the Files tab (click on name column) and Open Torrent dialog (click on dest. name column) [The 8472]
FEATURE: UI | Completed downloaders column [The 8472]
FEATURE: UI | Added start/stop to category menu [Parg]
FEATURE: UI | Added per-category speed limits [Parg]
FEATURE: UI | Added per-category option setting [Parg]
FEATURE: UI | Added multiple-torrent options setting to MyTorrents view [Parg]
FEATURE: UIv3 | New menu configuration for Vuze and Vuze Advanced UI's [knguyen]
FEATURE: UIv3 | Activity Tab [TuxPaper]
FEATURE: UIv3 | Vuze Login from client [knguyen]
FEATURE: Plug | Added Network Status plugin to perform some basic network tests [Parg]
FEATURE: Plug | Allow plugins to specify their minimum JDK requirements [Parg]

CHANGE: Core | Further memory footprint reductions; for additional tweaks see [The 8472]
CHANGE: Core | Reimplemented LT extension protocol code [amc1]
CHANGE: Core | DND/Compact (aka Delete) priority now deletes all files that do not share pieces with normal/high priority files [The 8472]
CHANGE: Core | Queuing rules now don't start any further torrents if the global up/download speed limits are reached [The 8472]
- makes "don't count torrent ..." minimum speed rules more useful to dynamically regulate the queue lengths
- recovers faster from chain reactions in case of connection loss
CHANGE: Core | Made the crypto handshake a bit less predictable [The 8472]
CHANGE: Core | Added support for IPv6 compact announces (client) and udp-multiscrapes (client+server) [The 8472]
CHANGE: Core | Take note of more peer-source selections [Parg]
CHANGE: Plug | Added support for plugins which implement mainline DHT [amc1]

BUGFIX: Core | Request limiting/Priorities no longer pinch off LAN peers if seperate LAN speeds are enabled [The 8472]
BUGFIX: Core | Increase time Azureus holds open listen socket on close to reduce dual-start window [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core | Allow ~ character in tracker addresses to support I2P [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core | Determine app name correctly on OSX so that restart works for renamed apps [Parg]
BUGFIX: UI | Shells no longer use the low-res frog icon, the normal main window icon is now used instead [amc1]
BUGFIX: UI | Limiting comments in General View to 5k characters under WinXP to avoid crashes due to faulty comctl32.dll [The 8472]
BUGFIX: UI | Setting speed parameters manually now disables autospeed [The 8472]
BUGFIX: Plug | Encode spaces correctly in get-right web seed urls [Parg]

come sempre, aggiornamento da funzione automatica.

12-03-08, 16:12
Visto che non mi lascia più modificare il post, segnalo che la versione a me ha creato problemi (maggiore lentezza nel caricare la finestra principale e soprattutto hanging indefinito nella fase di inizializzazione), per cui sono tornato alla Non so se ad altri ha creato problemi.

12-03-08, 22:47
Visto che non mi lascia più modificare il post, segnalo che la versione a me ha creato problemi (maggiore lentezza nel caricare la finestra principale e soprattutto hanging indefinito nella fase di inizializzazione), per cui sono tornato alla Non so se ad altri ha creato problemi.

Grazie Lester, ho appena aggiornato. Però, devo dire che a me succede il contrario: è molto più veloce. Sarà per via del 10.5.2?

13-03-08, 08:55
Visto che non mi lascia più modificare il post, segnalo che la versione a me ha creato problemi (maggiore lentezza nel caricare la finestra principale e soprattutto hanging indefinito nella fase di inizializzazione), per cui sono tornato alla Non so se ad altri ha creato problemi.

Qualche piantamento in uscita e un paio di "applicazione chiusa inaspettatamente". Mediamente comunque va. Non è mai stato proprio stabile stabile nemmeno prima. :smt039

16-04-08, 22:45
Azureus Core Version

2008.04.10 | Azureus Vuze

FEATURE: UIv3 | Ability to rate directly from rating reminder activity entry [TuxPaper]
FEATURE: UIv3 | Added progress spinner animation for the LightBox[knguyen]

CHANGE: Core | Don't auto-UDP probe on initial announce if tracker not known to support UDP - hit on second and remember outcome [Parg]
CHANGE: Core | Improve startup times by taking various torrent-load operations off main thread [Parg]
CHANGE: Core | Add reason-messages for update check failures [Parg]
CHANGE: Core | Use derived password to protect private key to allow us to persist password [Parg]
CHANGE: Core | Get plugin update URL from version server to support potential future switch [Parg]
CHANGE: UI | Run explicit tracker scrapes off UI thread to prevent blocking [Parg]
CHANGE: UI | Allow UI initialisation to proceed before plugin init complete [Parg]
CHANGE: UIv3 | Always start on "Dashboard" tab (unless Advanced UI chosen), instead of sometimes starting on "On Vuze" tab [TuxPaper]
CHANGE: Plug | Ensure that DHT republish events are scheduled using absolute time so recover correctly from computer suspend [Parg]

BUGFIX: Core | Handle some badly formed torrents more gracefully (corrupt announce-lists) [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core | Handle multiple SSL certs from same URL [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core | URLDecode torrent filenames [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core | Fix non-crypto fallback outgoing connections [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core | Better (esp for Vista) detection of and setting of Azureus' .torrent file association [TuxPaper]
BUGFIX: UI | Fix broken per-torrent upload speed setting via options tab [Parg]
BUGFIX: UI | Fix alternating bg color not updating after changing in config [TuxPaper]
BUGFIX: UIv3 | Fix resource leaks related to light box (login window) [knguyen]

Aggiornamento automatico.

18-06-08, 08:32
Azureus Core Version

2008.06.16 | Vuze

FEATURE: UI | Protocol overhead is now shown in the speed graph [The 8472]
FEATURE: UI | Downloads can now be moved and renamed while running - torrent will be auto-paused [amc1]
FEATURE: UI | New "rename" action which renames torrent file, save file and displayed name at same time [amc1]
FEATURE: UI | Plugin log views now support autoscrolling, pausing and regex filtering [The 8472]
FEATURE: UI | Plugin menu items which in the right-click menu now appear in the "Torrent" menu also [amc1]
FEATURE: UIv3 | Friends (sharing, bandwidth boost)
FEATURE: UIv3 | Greatly Improved Search
FEATURE: UIv3 | Experimental option to use Mozilla/Firefox as browser widget on any platform (XulRunner or Firefox 3 must be installed) [The 8472]
FEATURE: Plug | Added support for plugins to easily use an external configuration file for settings [amc1]
FEATURE: Plug | Plugins can now have full control over on-complete and on-removal file moving [amc1]
FEATURE: Plug | Added resource downloader to provide way to download files from Sourceforge [amc1]
FEATURE: Plug | Added API methods to generically pop up the message box to a user [amc1]
FEATURE: Plug | Added API methods to listen to download-complete events [amc1]
FEATURE: Plug | Added various convenience methods for using log views and config models [amc1]
FEATURE: Plug | Added API to allow native UI objects to be added to config views [amc1]
FEATURE: Plug | Added some more methods for plugins to control some transport mechanisms [amc1]
FEATURE: Plug | Added ability to add menus to status entry objects [amc1]
FEATURE: Plug | Plugins can now open files using default application handlers [amc1]

CHANGE: Core | added "upload_only" flag to AZMP/LTEP handshakes, disconnect any uploading_only peers we don't need / that don't need us when disconnect seeds when seeding is set [The 8472]
CHANGE: Core | Further startup speed improvements [The 8472, amc1, parg]
CHANGE: Core | Speedup of various file batch operations (priority changes) [amc1, The 8472]
CHANGE: Core | Added option to allow the removal of files linked outside the save directory when removing data [amc1]
CHANGE: UI | Column menu option to disable fast renaming in files view, changed fast rename to behave more like the windows explorer [The 8472]
CHANGE: UI | In console UI, shrunk help text down to be more concise [amc1]
CHANGE: UIv3 | Removed Vuze Header (the top plugin bar is still there but you have to turn it on)

BUGFIX: Core | Made change so that plugins could not inadvertently turn off Azureus extension protocol [amc1]
BUGFIX: Core | The UDP tracker client option has been nonfunctional for quite a while now -> fixed [The 8472]
BUGFIX: Core | Fixed various file-priority-change related bugs that resulted in error states [The 8472]
BUGFIX: Core | Stop premature creation of torrent directories before download has started [amc1]

Aggiornamento automatico.

Viene proposto anche l'aggiornamento di alcuni plugin.

17-10-08, 10:47
aggiornamento 4.0

There are at least three great reasons to upgrade to Vuze 4.0:

Client Redesign
The Classic interface has inspired our design, and is now front-and-center
We've improved on the Classic Interface, with intuitive controls and streamlined navigation
Vuze 4.0 has all the powerful features and plugins that Azureus was always known for
Tracker Site Meta-Search
We've built meta-search functionality into the client that searches popular tracker sites
You can add templates to enable meta-search of your favorite trackers
Vuze now offers login support for private tracker sites
Subscription Functionality
You can now request that specific content be sent to you automatically
Just look for the Subscriptions button in the following places:
In your library
In your Sidebar (create your own subscriptions)
In your search results
In the Vuze HD Network

ecco il link:

Padmé Amidala
25-10-08, 23:10
Azureus - Vuze


2008.10.24 | Vuze

FEATURE: UIvz | Added column to detail the linkage between content and associated subscription, where present [Parg]
FEATURE: UIvz | Simple view menu

CHANGE: Core | Remove restriction on uniqueness of subscriptions names [Parg]
CHANGE: Core | Add popularity to subscription properties and size better [Parg]
CHANGE: Core | Impose lower limits on download and upload when auto-speed running [Parg]
CHANGE: Core | Reduce subscription publication concurrency [Parg]
CHANGE: Core | Reduce acceptance of inaccurate DHT store operations [Parg]
CHANGE: Core | Auto-download content when marked as unread in an auto-download enabled subscription [Parg]
CHANGE: UIvz | Image on left of search box now activates search when clicked [TuxPaper]
CHANGE: UIvz | Toolbar's "Show Text" state now remembered across sessions [TuxPaper]
CHANGE: UIvz | Classic users upgrading via the installer will start up in My Library in "small" mode (classic My Torrents View). Previously, only "Advanced UI" users got this. [TuxPaper]
CHANGE: UIvz | If you hold the mouse down for a period of time on Up and Down toolbar items, it will move the selected items to the top/bottom (this was present in 4000, but now the tooltip says it) [TuxPaper]
CHANGE: UIvz | Added tooltip to subscription wizard to show more details on subscription [Parg]
CHANGE: UIvz | Drop into edit mode after creating an RSS subscription [Parg]
CHANGE: UIvz | Reduce size shown for downloads to 3 digits max for subscriptions and searches [Parg]
CHANGE: UIVz | In Library view fix sort so 'new' entries do sort to top [Parg]
CHANGE: Plug | Reduce derived tracker targets by raising swarm size limits [Parg]

BUGFIX: Core | Fix auto-subscription of DHT located singleton subscriptions [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core | Subscription to already cached, unsubscribed subscriptions wasn't working [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core | Fix 100% CPU problem due to unsafe HashSet modification [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core | Remove duplicate results from subscriptions [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core | Report subscription creation errors to user [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core | If a subscription was deleted which being processed it used to report errors [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core | Set subscription popularity on selection [Parg]
BUGFIX: UIvz | Fixed missing of all incomplete-specific and complete-specific torrent columns in My Library in "big" mode [TuxPaper]
BUGFIX: UIvz | If you previously chose top bar to be visible, and you aren't in advanced user mode, there was no way to remove top bar. Fixed by not showing top bar in non-advanced user mode [TuxPaper]
BUGFIX: UIvz | Fixed sidebar sash disappearing when moving beyond minimum size [TuxPaper]
BUGFIX: UIvz | Fixed "Close All Details" menu item always being disabled [TuxPaper]
BUGFIX: UIvz | Fixed extremely slow Library view when one column was animating [TuxPaper]
BUGFIX: UI | Table cells with cutoff text should show tooltip now [TuxPaper]
BUGFIX: UI | Fixed copying cell's text to clipboard [TuxPaper]
BUGFIX: UI | Info tab in Torrent Details now displays some columns that it couldn't before [TuxPaper]
BUGFIX: UI | Clear log view widgets when not visible to reduce memory [Parg]
BUGFIX: UI | Fix sub tabs in Torrent Details view not remembering their view after restoring from min. state [TuxPaper]

17-11-08, 16:56
Ma è vero che con Vuze 4 le prestazioni calano rispetto alle versioni precedenti??

Padmé Amidala
21-11-08, 18:23
Azureus - Vuze (

Il changelog ( è troppo lungo per inserirlo qui

Padmé Amidala
26-01-09, 21:21
Azureus - Vuze 4.1 (

2009.01.26 | Vuze

FEATURE: Core | New FP Ignore rule: Ignore 1st Priority after X hours of idle upload speed (default 24h) [TuxPaper]
FEATURE: Core | Support for loading torrents when the HTTP response is an error (like 404, 500) but the data is still a torrent [TuxPaper]
FEATURE: UIvz | Support multiple Content Networks [parg,tuxpaper]
FEATURE: UI | Experimental neuronal speed algorithm [Gudy]
FEATURE: UI | Added AS/ASN peer column [Parg]
FEATURE: UI | Added properties view to buddies avatar widget [Parg]
FEATURE: UI | Control+I in library to open torrent info (torrent details) page [TuxPaper]
FEATURE: Plug | Share categories with friends as subscriptions [Parg]
FEATURE: Plug | Support table column removal [Parg]
FEATURE: Plug | Added getComputerName method [Parg]
FEATURE: Plug | Cache connected friend details for faster reconnect on startup [Parg]

CHANGE: Core | Pulled out Vuze related operations into ContentNetwork [Parg]
CHANGE: Core | Go to CDP when torrent unauthorised if possible [Parg]
CHANGE: Core | Added date field an modified case of response HTTP headers to improve behaviour of SSDP clients [Parg]
CHANGE: Core | Limit # of stalled 'seeding' torrents to prevent cases where all completed torrents could start up [TuxPaper]
CHANGE: Core | Give stalled torrents a seeding rank handicap based on how long they've been stalled for [TuxPaper]
CHANGE: UI | (Memory) Images that are unused after 60 seconds are now disposed of [TuxPaper]
CHANGE: UI | Fixed regression of Auto Open Tabs not opening seeding torrents (Config option now split) [TuxPaper]
CHANGE: UI | Bring back classic-share menu for non-basic mode users [Parg]

BUGFIX: Core | Setting files as do-not-download was deleting files [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core | IPv6 compact tracker support [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core | Fix possible deadlock in generic connection handling [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core | Disable if-modified logic when editting RSS search templates to allow retrieval of results [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core | Clear down TLS stuff to reduce memory usage when plugins unloaded [Parg]
BUGFIX: UI | Fixed rare case where table rows would display blank [TuxPaper]
BUGFIX: UI | Fixed 'close all details' in classic UI [Parg]
BUGFIX: UI | Prevent constuction of mytorrents context menu from flipping download stats [Parg]
BUGFIX: UI | Fix cursor transition in table cell [Parg]
BUGFIX: UI | Fix incorrect handling of weak references for UI views that resulted in them never being released [Parg]
BUGFIX: Plug | Various fixes to correctly release unloaded plugin resources [Parg]

Padmé Amidala
07-02-09, 01:46
Vuze (

2009.02.05 | Vuze

FEATURE: UI | Config option for max stalled seeding torrents (was hardcoded in 4100) [TuxPaper]

BUGFIX: Core | Fix null-pointer-exception when initiasing old categorised shares [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core | Remove accidental invocation of the get-networks Vuze RPC when running in classic UI [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core | Remove null-pointer-exception in TCP connection manager [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core | Fix subscription auto-download with sites where supplied referer caused error [Parg]
BUGFIX: UIvz | Click area for Friend's "chat thought bubble" was wrong, preventing click to chat in some cases [TuxPaper]
BUGFIX: UIvz | Fix share of vuze content (users could only share non-vuze content) [TuxPaper]
BUGFIX: UI | Column Setup visual fixes for gtk [TuxPaper]
BUGFIX: UI | Revert category buttons to working state [TuxPaper]
BUGFIX: UI | Fixed memory leak in All-Peers view [Parg]
BUGFIX: UI | Fixed resource disposal in config view causing some status bar icons to not draw [TuxPaper]

CHANGE: Core | Remove various debug-spew [Parg]

Padmé Amidala
23-03-09, 17:26
Vuze - Azureus (

Version 4.2:

FEATURE: Core | Devices [parg]
FEATURE: UIvz | UI for Devices panel, individual Device panel, Device chooser, and Device Profile Chooser [TuxPaper]
FEATURE: Plug | Transcoding [gudy,parg]
BUGFIX: Core | Fix IP binding error when performing a NAT test under Vista [The 8472]
BUGFIX: UIvz | Fix some notifications not getting pulled [TuxPaper]

23-03-09, 17:30
Vuze - Azureus (

Version 4.2:

FEATURE: Core | Devices [parg]
FEATURE: UIvz | UI for Devices panel, individual Device panel, Device chooser, and Device Profile Chooser [TuxPaper]
FEATURE: Plug | Transcoding [gudy,parg]
BUGFIX: Core | Fix IP binding error when performing a NAT test under Vista [The 8472]
BUGFIX: UIvz | Fix some notifications not getting pulled [TuxPaper]

:smt023 Grazie Padmé, aggiorno.

Padmé Amidala
24-03-09, 04:06
Nella versione c'è una funzione sperimentale (beta) per convertire i video e film presenti nella nostra libreria allo scopo di vederli su:

-Apple TV (Mpeg/AAC)
-iphone, ipod classic, ipod nano, ipod touch (h.264/AAC, dimensioni diverse a seconda del dispositivo)

Da me propone questo perché ha rilevato (autodetection) la presenza di iTunes, ma a quanto pare fa la conversione anche per PS3 e Xbox 360 (non capisco niente di questi due dispositivi, si parla di streaming verso di loro per vederli poi sulla TV).

Dapprima bisogna abilitare la funzione, autorizzando l'installazione di un plugin:

Quindi appare una finestra di spiegazioni:

I filmati con un drag and drop devono essere spostati sopra la parola iTunes e appare quindi la finestra per scegliere il dispositivo di destinazione.

Aprendo il dispositivo iTunes si vedono i file che sono in corso di conversione (se la conversione si rivela necessaria), con i dettagli sul progresso e sullo stato.

Alla fine si apre automaticamente itunes e il file viene trasferito, pronto per essere sincronizzato. Ho fatto la prova con un videoclip mkv scaricato da Vuze stesso e con un avi.

02-04-09, 11:59
volevo provare azerus che versione mi consigliate? ho un G4 800 mhz, 512 mb di ram e Mac os 10.3.9

Padmé Amidala
10-04-09, 11:22

BUGFIX: UI | Fix wrap on category buttons [TuxPaper]
BUGFIX: UI | Fix rare case when last sash position in My Torrents wasn't being obeyed [TuxPaper]
BUGFIX: UI | Remove device toolbar when device feature not avail [TuxPaper]
BUGFIX: Core | Fix hang on startup with some UPnP devices [Parg]
BUGFIX: Plug | Force decode of HTTP headers to lowercase using ISO8859-1 charset to fix matching error in Turkish [Parg]

10-04-09, 11:33
Dankeschön! :)

10-04-09, 12:48
Grazie. Ho trovato un suggerimento di un utente su VersionTracker per gli affezionati del vecchio Azureus:

Since the installer has the nasty habit of adding additional and unwanted baggage and sometimes the autoupdater won't install newer versions (probably to give the installer a chance to do its disgusting thing), you can go to Vuze's download page, select and download the .jar file option, rename to Azureus2.jar, control/right click on the Vuze file, select Show Package Contents, drill down to the Resources/Java folder and replace the old Azureus2.jar file with the one just downloaded.

When you run it again, it will update its other components and plugins, but no extras from the installer!

Testato, funziona :) Per precauzione avevo spostato altrove l'originario Azureus2.jar invece di sovrascriverlo. Tuttora a me l'autoaggiornamento funziona raramente o mai, quindi questo è un modo relativamente semplice di aggiornare senza fronzoli.

Ero indeciso se postare qui o nel topic ( che avevo aperto a suo tempo sulla funzione di autoaggiornamento. Eventualmente i mod sposteranno :)

10-04-09, 13:43
Grazie, aggiorno.

10-07-09, 12:36
Vuze ( - July 9, 2009
New Features (

Core | Subscription options for auto-starting auto-downloads
Core | Support for sharing .vuze files
Core | Added support for adding categories to transcoded content
Core | Added default transcode dir option
Core | Support for keep-alive and more gzip on web contexts
Core | Added percentage complete and eta to content descriptor
UIvz | UI displays while core initializes
Plug | Plugin interface to the search functionality

Core | Added another non-standard RSS date format
Core | Allow HTTP seeding for simple torrents without knowledge of file name
Core | Keep log files open rather than continually opening and closing them
Core | Improved reporting of 'no disk space' errors for FAT32
Core | Improved logging performance
Core | Support for updated via installer as opposed to incremental updates
Corrected bugs:

Core | Work around for broken socket handling on freebsd7.x
Core | Recover from borked transcode queue config
Core | Fix xml stats export with undefined characters
Core | Support >2GB resource downloads
Core | Fixed HTTP seeding when switching content on a keep-alive connection
Core | Fix tracker announcer to pay attention to user options correctly
Core | Multi-file torrents were borked in content directory
UI | Set speeds in bits/sec when bits/sec display is selected.

Padmé Amidala
01-09-09, 08:46

New Features:
Core | Drive Detection for Devices for OSX (for PSP devices)
Core | Factory option to allow switchable unchoke algorithms
UI | Less CPU usage for Seeding Rules
Core | Only create the transcode directories when required
Core | Allow OS X platform component to be updated properly
Corrected bugs:
Corrected bugs:
UI | Fixed Speedtest not working
UI | OS X 10.6 support (opening torrent from file)
Core | OS X 10.6 support (not getting data from connected peers)
Core | Fixed deadlock during UI initialisation

13-11-09, 05:36
Vuze - 4.3

With the latest release, you get powerful new search capabilities, along with the ability to play your HD videos on PC, Mac, iPhone, iPod, Apple TV, Xbox 360, PS3, PSP, and Tivo. In addition, the current release includes significant performance enhancements to make Vuze lighter and faster.

Operating System Requirements:
Mac OS 10.4.8+ (Intel-based) Intel Core Duo 1.83-gigahertz or higher processor with 1GB of RAM
Safari or Firefox.

13-11-09, 17:54
Vuze - 4.3...
Grazie mille! :smt039

19-11-09, 23:50
Vuze -

What's new:
Core - Support per-url config for http seeds and max_speed setting [Parg]
Plug - Start of a fallback magnet lookup service [Parg]
UI - Clicking on dock icon always opens main window [TuxPaper]
Core - Parse hex-encoded magnet URIs too [The 8472]
Core - Immediate-close option for tracker socket connections [Parg]
Core - Return IP address instead of DNS names for external seeds [Parg]
Core - Support more non-conformant RSS feed dates [Parg]
Core - Auto-speed bias towards min ping times rather than pure average [Parg]
Bug Fixes:
Core - Reverted socket handling to initial 1.6 fix status to fix with network binding/stall problems [Parg]
Core - Added option to disable all IPv6 support and defaulted to 'disable' on OSX as some users experiencing crash when enabled [Parg]
Plug - Don't cause all dht torrents to perform an 'announce' when 'pause-all' selected [Parg]
Plug - Webplugin config section override was using the wrong variable prefix [Parg]
UI - Fixed name column sort [TuxPaper]
UI - (OSX) Fixed opening .vuze files when client isn't running [TuxPaper]
UI - Fixed table view not loading (showing gray area) sometimes [TuxPaper]
UI - (Windows) "Open Containing Folder" in default "folder association" app [TuxPaper]
UI - (*nix) Fixed name column blanking [TuxPaper]
UI - (OSX) Fixed Password option hanging UI [TuxPaper]
UI - Fixed sidebar font sizes (mostly for *nix) [TuxPaper]
UI - (OSX) Opening .torrent file when "Add Silently" is enable should no longer activate the main window [TuxPaper]
UI - Fix losing cursor indication on Sashes (and other widgets) [TuxPaper]
UI - Sidebar now accepts dropping torrents [TuxPaper].

Operating System Requirements:
Mac OS 10.4.8+ (Intel-based) Intel Core Duo 1.83-gigahertz or higher processor with 1GB of RAM
Safari or Firefox.

05-12-09, 01:43
Salve a tutti ... desidero segnalarvi l'aggiornamento alla versione

27-12-09, 15:17
Vuze -

What's new:
Fixed bug where compact file types could lead to spurious 'file length too large' errors [Parg].

Operating System Requirements:
Mac OS 10.4.8+ (Intel-based) Intel Core Duo 1.83-gigahertz or higher processor with 1GB of RAM
Safari or Firefox.

Padmé Amidala
27-01-10, 01:20

2010.01.23 | Vuze

FEATURE: Core | Option to auto-start Vuze on login on Windows and OSX [Parg]
FEATURE: Core | Option to close Vuze when downloads/seeding complete [Parg]
FEATURE: Core | Sources details view and tracking enhancements [Parg]
FEATURE: Core | Option to automatically set upload slots and connections limits based on measured line speed [Parg]
FEATURE: Core | Added support for fast-allowed pieces [Parg]
FEATURE: Core | Extract downloaded values if returned by tracker [Parg]
FEATURE: Plug | Added auto-authorisation default to pairing enabled web plugins [Parg]
FEATURE: Core | Windows - added JVM max/min memory configuration to the options [Parg]
FEATURE: Core | Added support for webseeds in magnet links [Parg]
FEATURE: Core | Added support for less-verbose auto-full-update [Parg]
FEATURE: Core | Completed the 'pairing' feature [Parg]
FEATURE: UI | Added Pairing dialog [TuxPaper]

CHANGE: Core | Added local network interfaces to pairing details [Parg]
CHANGE: Core | Drop the half-open TCP socket limits for Vista SP2+ and Windows 7 [Parg]
CHANGE: Core | Modify connection timeouts if sufficient peers available [Parg]
CHANGE: Core | Ignore HTTP seeds if we're seeding [Parg]
CHANGE: Core | Vary min requests when starting up [Parg]
CHANGE: Core | Changed metasearch default to auto=true [Parg]
CHANGE: Core | Default save directory for new installs switched from 'Azureus Downloads' to 'Vuze Downloads' [Parg]
CHANGE: Core | Auto-enable the 'connections per torrent when seeding' default and set to half the normal number of connections [The8472]
CHANGE: Core | When force-closing Vuze delete any outstanding updates to prevent them being applied [Parg]
CHANGE: Plug | Make WebPlugin configuration parameters amendable without requiring a Vuze restart [Parg]
CHANGE: UI | Added arrows to swarm view and differentiate unchokes/fast requests [Parg]
CHANGE: UI | Moved slideys that were System Notifications to statusbar [TuxPaper]

BUGFIX: Core | Fix remembering of auto-speed settings on restart [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core | Fix initial storing of search engine rank bias [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core | Fix LT Peer-Exchange bug [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core | Remove HTTP seeds when stopping download [Parg]
BUGFIX: UIvz | Fix list view modes (menu and button display) being grayed out when toolbar is in "No Text" mode [TuxPaper]
BUGFIX: UI | Remove cached peers from swarm view on data source change [Parg]
BUGFIX: UI | When upgrading SWT, dialog box now shows correct platform (Cocoa, Carbon) [TuxPaper]

27-01-10, 02:03

Al momento in cui quoto, il post è tutto qui. Quindi per migliore comprensione:

Version Release notes were unavailable when this listing was updated. :)

I requisiti sono i soliti:

Mac OS X 10.4.8 or later.
Core Duo 1.83 GHz or faster.
Safari or Firefox.

27-01-10, 02:16
Scusate, siete sicuri di questo aggiornamento? La mia applicazione non lo segnala... :???:

Padmé Amidala
27-01-10, 02:39

27-01-10, 02:53
Grazie mille, Padmè. :)

Padmé Amidala
02-02-10, 13:23
New Features:

Core | Added .vuze file format to trigger a search operation

Core | Disable IPv6 under Windows by default, as it needs Java7 to work properly
Core | Added system property to disable instance manager
Core | Give user friendlier error message when offline-downloader disconnected
Core | Auto-dump threads if shutdown takes > 30 seconds
UI | Permit deletion of classicaly shared content from download/seeding views
Corrected bugs:

Core | Wait until sid registered before attempting pairing test
Core | Various pairing HTTPS fixes
Core | Fix missing 'logout' button when paired with no authentication
UI | Windows - Vuze now pops up if closed to system tray and user launches exe
UI | Fixup some Remote Pairing dialog edge case bugs
UI | OSX - Fix sidebar animations sometimes not animating
UI | OSX - Text in table views are now the correct color (white) when selected
UI | Protect against case where Main Window's stored dimensions area invalid or stupidly small
UI | Fix invalid thread access and NPE when closing pairing dialog
UI | Fixed case where status bar was blank after deiconifying

10-02-10, 14:01
Vuze -

What's new in this version:
Corrected bugs:
Core | Fixed bug whereby HAVE_ALL messages were failing to set the last bit of the bit-flags.

Operating System Requirements:
Mac OS 10.4.8+ (Intel-based) Intel Core Duo 1.83-gigahertz or higher processor with 1GB of RAM
Safari or Firefox.

Padmé Amidala
10-04-10, 03:28

Vi è la possibilità di masterizzare gratuitamente UN dvd spostando semplicemente il filmato dalla libreria verso la sezione New DVD. Vuze fa la conversione e poi masterizza su un DVD vuoto.

Per masterizzare un numero illimitato di dvd bisogna acquistare la versione Vuze plus.

What's new in this version:
New Features:

Core | Feature manager
Core | Added mechanism to add virtual devices
Core | On-demand media analysis
Core | Added a few hooks to ease third party use of code
Core | Added means to hook into content launch operations
Core | Allow devices to be specified as 'no xcode required'
Core | Added option to prevent IP filters being cleared on reload
Core | Re-attempt torrent download via magnet if possible
Plug | Added mechanism for a cache-plugin to reserve pieces for their cache-peer
Plug | Added mechanism for plugins to specify executable properties of installed files
Plug | Added method for testing if move-on-complete actions are active
UI | Toolbar support for selecting files in file-view
UI | Feature Manager UI
UI | Better Drag&Drop indication on sidebar
UI | Better pop-out/pop-up supression from Search Results pages

Core | Added ability to add xcodes in stopped state
Core | When there's only one transcode profile available, don't allow user to make a (non-existant) choice
Core | Added country-code to version server response
Core | Don't push direct file reads through the file cache
Plug | Allow plugins to force their columns to be visible
Core | Allow the removal of transcode jobs to be vetoed
Core | Take USB detection off init thread in case it hangs
Core | Added download property to allow force and direct deletion to be specified
Core | Enforce update action ordering
Plug | Added swt info to update check to allow different plugin versions for different swt
UI | Limit max torrent file size to prevent bad behaviour when large files dropped onto UI
UI | Truncation percentages shown for xcode to avoid useless ".0"
UI | Restructure Sidebar/Tab system into a common MDI structure
UI | Some dialogs now switch Ok/Cancel to Cancel/Ok on OSX
Corrected bugs:

Core | Fix 'no space' display for offline downloaders
Core | Fixed opening torrent from Finder bug under OSX 10.4
Core | Magnet download of large torrent files speed up
Core | Resource downloader was firing complete events twice sometimes
Core | File channel support for 2GB+ files
Core | Update pending files in xcode view when files deletes
Core | Fix relayout bug in status bar
Core | Fix various places where linked files were being ignored
Core | Fix rare case where Donation window was popping up too often
Plug | Ensure that reloaded plugin's message resources are loaded
Plug | Ensure installation failures are reported
UI | Extend cell refresh logic to include those with refresh listeners
UI | Fix rare case where table sort order is incorrect after raid data updates
UI | Patch case where Vuze prevents Windows 7 from shutting down
UI | Fix buttons having ugly BG on Win7
UI | Fix some columns not showing up in "All Torrents" views
UI | Fix clipboard menu not working for some columns (Torrent Name Column)

05-05-10, 21:48
Vuze -

What's new:
UI | (OSX) Prep client for SWT 3.6 (M7 and later) [TuxPaper]
UI | (OSX) Use Java calls for moveToTrash and showInFinder [TuxPaper]
UI | Double click in library view on incomplete downloads no longer invokes the launch manager for permission [Parg]
Core | Added some new message types to help diagnose connection speed issues [Parg]
Core | Removal of various useless debug generation [Parg]
Core | Use UTF-8 for debug files [Parg]
Plug | If EMP is disabled fall back to default player [Parg]
Core | Fix deadlock condition in devices view [Parg]
Core | Prevent single key failure from exiting select result processing [Parg]
Core | Fix deadlock when download stopped while move-on-complete in progress [Parg]
Core | Various fixes to handle restarts with non-ascii user directory name [Parg]
Core | Ensure plugin verification works with internationalised plugin dir name [Parg]
UIvz | Fix bug where toolbar was hidden with no way of showing it [TuxPaper]
UIvz | Fix bug where DVD Burn sidebar entry would reappear after removing it and restarting [TuxPaper]
UIvz | When doubleclick in Library is set to show details, don't show AntiVirus warning [TuxPaper]
UIvz | Fix OSX case where client could not be started due to old SWT version [TuxPaper]
UIvz | Fix case where there was nothing downloading, but the download spinner in the sidebar was still present [TuxPaper]

Mac OS 10.4.8+ (Intel-based) Intel Core Duo 1.83-gigahertz or higher processor with 1GB of RAM
Safari or Firefox.

09-05-10, 02:02
Vuze -

What's new in this version:
Corrected bugs:
Core | Fix PEX bug
Core | Fix "Error Running Veto Check" error
Core | (*nix) Fix client not launching after launched once
UI | Fix late-loading sidebar entries not auto-opening.

Mac OS 10.4.8+ (Intel-based) Intel Core Duo 1.83-gigahertz or higher processor with 1GB of RAM
Safari or Firefox.

10-06-10, 12:19
Vuze -

What's new in this version:
New Features:
Core | Improved logging
Corrected bugs:
Core | Search edge case.

Padmé Amidala
02-09-10, 00:49
Feature: Core | Allow multiple primordial UDP handlers [Parg]
Feature: UI | Ability to auto-send crash logs [TuxPaper]
Feature: UI | Members of the Beta Program now get a Sidebar entry which will one day have useful beta information [TuxPaper]
Change: UI | Improved languages
Change detection so more of the text now shows in the new language (unfortunately not all) [TuxPaper]
Change: UI | (Windows) Bigger click area around the "X" in the Library's filter box [TuxPaper]
Change: UI | (Windows) Triple click in search box now selects all the text [TuxPaper]
Change: UI | Replaced "Remove And.." menu tree from Library's content menu with "Remove..." entry that gives you the same options. Two related configs are in Options->Files->"File Deletion" [TuxPaper]
Bugfix: Core | (Windows) Fix drive detection/removal when multiple drives get added/removed at once [TuxPaper]
Bugfix: Core | (Windows) Fix drive with letters D: H: L: P: T: X: not being detected when plugged in while Vuze was running [TuxPaper]
Bugfix: Core | Fixed some hard drives incorrectly being added as a Device and shown in the sidebar [TuxPaper]
Bugfix: Core | (OSX) Add additional (new?) crash log directory to crash log generator ( [TuxPaper]
Bugfix: Core | (OSX) Fixed two cases where main window would not show after clicking the dock icon [TuxPaper]
Bugfix: Core | Don't open files with write-access unless required [Parg]
Bugfix: Core | Ensure new profiles are picked up when xcode plugin reloads [Parg]
Bugfix: Core | Correctly sequence plugin events to ensure that listeners see the correct plugin state [Parg]
Bugfix: Core | Delete .vuze files when subscriptions are removed [Parg]
Bugfix: UI | (*nix) Fix table cells not getting click events (affected triggering the "New" column's state) [TuxPaper]
Bugfix: UI | Fix case where scrolling right in a table view (Library) didn't draw the newly visible columns [TuxPaper]
Bugfix: UI | Fixed some cases where column re-ordering was not being remembered [TuxPaper]
Bugfix: UI | Fix Help->Check for Updates not notifying user there were no new updates found [TuxPaper]
Bugfix: UI | Fixed visual problems with Tracker Status column when "Don't Scrape Stopped" is enabled [TuxPaper]
Bugfix: UI | Fixed Queue and Stop not working on Torrent menu and right click of Sidebar's download's details item [TuxPaper]
Bugfix: UI | (OSX) Fixed bug where a false double click was registered when Vuze did not have the focus and you single clicked on a row in the Library [TuxPaper]
Bugfix: UI | Fixed subscription name and count on Sidebar not redrawing when either changes [TuxPaper]

17-10-10, 13:56
Appena aggiornato alla versione

Padmé Amidala
26-10-12, 12:28
Version 4.8:

New Features:

Plug | The RSS Feed plugin now can filter on min+max file types and also has a 'copy-filter' function
Core | Reduced resource usage mode on startup - still in a beta state
Core | 'Prevent Computer Sleep' options now available on OSX
Core | Added options to streaming and transcoding to prevent computer sleep
Core | Auto-preview for .nfo and .txt files (Quick View) option added to Library and Files view
Core | Analysis of .rar file content (indication of password protected entries) added as a Quick View function
UI | Added 'edit as text' option to the tracker URL editor dialog
UI | Added right-click menu to Sources tab to allow tracker URL edits
UI | Extended the existing 'add tracker url' Library menu option to accept multiple trackers
UI | Custom date format now applicable to ETA colums
UI | Added 'Torrent Creation Date' column to Library views
UI | Added per-column date formats for the ETA columns
UI | Added aggregate stats view (e.g. aggregate share-ratio for a number of downloads) to the 'Torrent Options' view
UI | Added plugin install and uninstall buttons to the plugin configuration view


Core | The previous release disabled IPFilters for Vuze update torrents, this has been reverted
UI | Plugin views now listed in View menu
| 64 bit support
UI | Absolute ETA display now separately configurable for ETA and Progress column
UI | Ignore temporary 'incomplete' suffix when showing file types
UI | Updated Catalan translation

Corrected bugs:

Core | Fixed bug whereby some transcodes were being incorrectly failed as 'prematurely terminated'
Core | Fixed race condition that occurred when auto-transcoding from an RSS feed
Core | Fixed error when creating manually-selected piece size torrents
UI | Fix CTRL-PGDN/CTRL-END in Library
UI | Fix sidebar entries for categories not updating numbers
UI | Fix sort column not refreshing sometimes
UI | Added some double buffering to fields that were flickering on update
UI | Fixed UI hang under some multi-select conditions
Plug | Transcoding was sometimes reporting 'no disk space' errors instead of the actual error

PPC / Intel, Mac OS X 10.4 or later

03-11-12, 00:23
Grazie Padmè, novità interessanti.....

24-02-13, 12:37
2013.02.15 - Vuze (

Si consiglia l'installazione personalizzata in modo da scegliere se installare i componenti aggiuntivi che modificano la barra strumenti e le preferenze del browser

New Features:

Core | 'move do not download files to a subfolder' is back but defaults to 'disabled' [Parg]
Core | Support compact I2P announce responses [Parg]
Core | Speed Limit handler now supports pausing and resuming, total transfer limits and ip-sets [Parg]
Core | Added option to disable availability-based webseed activation to support faster startup [Parg]
Plug | Added 'boss key' plugin for Windows users [Parg]
Plug | Swarm Discoveries now support 'tracker sources' [Parg&TuxPaper]
UI | Added UPnP media-server browser and playback (and add-to-device) under Devices Playback (deselect 'simple view' to access) [Parg]
UI | Console UI now supports 'show t' option for dead torrents [Parg]
UI | Added 'number of queued downloads' to library view header [Parg]
UI | Added keyboard shortcut for 'pause-for-time' menu option [Parg]
UI | Added option to show Vuze interface in all uppercase for those users that seem to be unable to turn capslock off on the forums [Parg]
UI | When adding a torrent with the same hash as an existing download you are now prompted to merge in any additional trackers [Parg]
UI | For non-OSX users the current transfer rates can now be displayed in the window title [Parg]


Core | Reset the 'maybe VPN' settings when bind IPs modified [Parg]
Core | Vuze clients are now displayed as 'Vuze' in the peers view instead of 'Azureus' [Parg]
Core | The 'move dnd files to subfolder' now only applies to new downloads [Parg]
Core | Support multiple routers to UPnP devices and try alternatives when one fails [Parg]
Plug | Disabled the per-ASN DHT announces as no evidence it is of significant benefit [Parg]
Plug | Plugin installer now defaults to per-user installs [Parg]
UI | Speed test is now not automatically run on first install but linked from FTUX [TuxPaper]
UI | Search results details pages now open in exernal browser [TuxPaper]
UI | Brazilian Portuguese translation update [Havokdan]
UI | Basque translation update [Azpidatziak]
UI | Spanish translation update [Valtiel]

Corrected Bugs:

Core | Fixed rare sort-contract-violation error under Java 7 during piece picking [Parg]
Core | Keep definitions of old network interfaces so correct classification can still be applied after an interface is lost [Parg]
Core | Disable DND TXT handling when using SOCKS proxy [Parg]
Core | Turn off auto-speed when applying the result of a speedtest otherwise it overwrites it [Parg]
Core | Fix update operations failing on OSX with Java 7 [Tuxpaper]
UI | Fixed display of disabled peer sources in sources view [Parg]
UI | Fixed 'escape' key not closing donation dialog [TuxPaper]
UI | Declining a 'Close Vuze?' prompt left window in invalid state [Parg]
UI | Recalculate hot spots in sidebar when scrolled [Parg]
UI | 'Full copy last seen' column was broken [Parg]

09-02-14, 12:24
Vuze versione 5.3
L'installazione personalizzata consente di rinunciare all'uso di tools, preferenze ed offerte varie