
Visualizza Versione Completa : Installare un iMac...all wifi.. (bT)

07-12-06, 20:02
...sarò papà di nuovo...':D'

di un bellissimo iMac 20" !!!! con key+might BT...!!
Lo prendo domani....
Ma mi chiedo.... come si fa ad installare prima di connettersi con le periferiche bt ?
Nel senso... fino a che la macchina non è accesa non vede le periferiche....
Ma come faccio a farla partire senza..... :-o ???

sparate pure se ho deto una c...ta.... :(

07-12-06, 21:07
nessuna differenza da una tastiera normale, tenuto conto che hai l'ultimo sistema operativo e l'ultimo firmware BT installato.

Question 6: Can I use the Apple Wireless Keyboard to start up from CD, start up into Open Firmware, or start up in Safe Mode?
Answer: If your computer has built-in Bluetooth or the D-Link DBT-120 (Rev B2 or later) adapter, you can use the Apple Wireless Keyboard and Mouse to initiate most startup commands. See "Mac OS X: Keyboard Shortcuts".

Pressing the eject key as the computer starts up does not eject a disc from the disc drive the way a wired keyboard does. To eject a disc at startup, hold down the mouse button.

Note: In Mac OS X 10.4.2 or earlier, you can use a wireless keyboard to start up in Single-User mode or in Safe Boot mode, they will not work once the computer is started up in these modes. To continue in Single-User mode or in Safe Boot mode, use a wired keyboard and mouse. Download and install the Mac OS X 10.4.3 Update or later to be able to use an Apple Wireless Keyboard in single-user mode.

If you find that you are unable to use key commands at startup, make sure you have installed the latest Bluetooth firmware update, and that you are using a supported Bluetooth adapter. See document 86493, "Apple Wireless Keyboard and Mouse: About the Bluetooth Firmware Update".

08-12-06, 18:51
Grazie Flash....
ma Apple is Apple....
Non ho dovuto fare nulla.... solo accenderlo..... :D :D :D :D :D :D

Funziona tutto subito!!!!!!
Grazie comunque!!!