
Visualizza Versione Completa : Warcraft III per macintel

31-07-06, 09:33
stavo cercando sul forum qualcosa riguardante Warcraft III... che voi sappiate... c gira sul mio macintel??? c vuole mica una patch??? help meee!!! :D

31-07-06, 10:09
mi auto rispondo da solo... ho trovato in un forum una persona che ha provato il gioco WC3 sul suo macbook pro (come il mio) è ha scritto questo:

Warcraft III

I've done extensive testing with my MacBook Pro and it is clear Rosetta is bottlenecking performance. I am hard pressed to believe any of the offhand reports of Warcraft 3 running "perfectly" or anything near perfectly. The game can be played but the lack of performance cripples much of the enjoyment, especially in large battles where the framerate drops to slide-show levels. I don't believe it is fair to continue to disseminate information that will suggest to anyone the game runs perfectly at this time. Any long time WC3 player is quickly going to know a universal binary is necessary for full enjoyment of this game on mactel. --Deadprez

2006/07/27 When I installed Warcraft III on my MacBook Pro it would start and promptly crash back to the desktop, it appears that DivX Codec has something to do with it, after I deleted DivX off of my machine I was able to run WCIII without any problems, even in larger battles. Regards, ExSgt Fish

31-07-06, 10:14
qualcosa è già universal

warcraft III non ancora ma presto lo sarà... da quel che ho capito al momento con rosetta gira male, cosi come la versione pc con bootcamp.

31-07-06, 10:19
interessante lista:

31-07-06, 10:32
grazie flashcream, stavo appunto consultando quella lista e ho notato la parte chiamata discussion e ho letto quella auto risposta che mi sono dato, grazie cmq flashcream!!! :D